Wednesday, February 12, 2020

【葡萄牙烧海鲜】Portuguese Grilled Seafood



Portuguese grilled seafood/fish is a very famous dish in Malaysia,there is one stall in Petaling Street KL that used to be one of the famous grilled fish stalls in Kuala Lumpur, there used to be such a long waiting time to get to eat one meal at the stall.

And I can completely understand why! This tangy,spicy seafood grill is so tasty that even after years, I still miss the taste of it. So much so that I replicate it at home.

Saturday, February 8, 2020

元宵节快乐!【梅花汤圆】Happy Chap Goh Meh!【Plum Blossom Rice Balls】

2020 年春节是这么多年来过得最闹心的,天天捧着平板电脑看新型冠状病毒的新闻,跟着一则则新闻流泪难过。


The Chinese New Year of 2020 is a very difficult one for all the Chinese in China and around the world... I spent a lot of time following the news of the 2019 coronavirus, I cried reading some of the heroic acts of common people in, and around China. We are all common people trying hard to live a meaningful life...

Today is the last day of Chinese New Year, I decided to write a post on this beautiful Plum Blossom rice balls, with it I pray for safety and health for people in the world.

Happy Chap Goh Meh to all that are celebrating!

Monday, February 3, 2020

大桔大利【桔子豆包】 Chinese Mandarin Tau Sa Pau




I made these Mandarin steamed buns on the 9th day of Chinese New Year, when I posted the pictures of these buns on my FB page, many of my friends thought there are real Mandarin oranges!

It was so much fun making them!