It has been raining cats and dogs today, it really is not helping with my mood. Baby A has been waking me up several times every night for more than 2 weeks now, I have ruled out teething, sickness and even growing spurt... It is really tough living with broken sleeps every day nowadays.
This morning after sending baby A to the daycare, I came home planning to work on some paperwork. So I turned on my laptop and begin to work, out of sudden I just could not proceed anymore, I could not even look at my computer screen.
All I wanted was to rest. I turned off my laptop and went to bed, after about half an hour of tossing and turning, I got more irritated and tired. I was probably so severely sleep deprived that my body doesn't know how to relax and just rest anymore.
So I get up and made this candied walnuts, cooking is always therapeutic for me, seeing my own creation just makes me forget about things in life for a bit.
When I was done, I went to bed relaxed and manage to nap for 45 minutes. Life is all great again!