马来西亚有很多路边摊,其中一个路边摊是由早年印度南部淡米尔移民垄断的“Kacang Putih摊”,小摊子摆着很多罐子,卖的是各色香辣脆口小零嘴。
其实这些小贩一开始卖的只有蒸熟调味的鹰嘴豆,马来语就叫Kacang Putih/Puteh, 这款蒸鹰嘴豆需要不断地保温避免在炎热的天气里变馊或因被风干变得口感不好,所以售卖的时候就需要带个小炉子和蒸笼摆卖。
According to https://www.timeout.com/kuala-lumpur/restaurants/guide-to-kacang-putih:
"The history of the kacang putih (literally translated as ‘white nuts’) business goes back to the 1940s, when the British brought in migrant labourers from the Ettayapuram village in Tamil Nadu to Malaya.
A few families settled down near the limestone hill in Gunung Cheroh, Ipoh – until 1973, when the residents were relocated to Teluk Kurin B in Buntong after a slab of limestone fell onto a longhouse, killing 42 people.
It was in the new settlement that business kicked up. The new, larger homes allowed owners to set up retail storefronts selling kacang putih, as well as other fried Indian snacks like murukku and assorted fried nuts made using recipes from Tamil Nadu. Business was so brisk that the settlement’s unwieldy name was changed to Kampung Kacang Putih – and until today, remains as the heart of a growing kacang putih industry across the country. "
The Kacang putih men have since progress much into selling different kind of snacks including Muruku, vadai and of course this original "Kacang putih"
网上抓的Kacang Putih 摊照/The Kacang Putih Stall Picture from google search