Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Seafood Crispy Rice Noodle 【香底米粉】

Last week was a very bad week for me and baby A, it was Friday afternoon and he started showing signs of fever, his fever spike up to 104 F that night, we brought him to his pediatrician first thing Saturday morning, apparently my poor baby had ear throat double infections, no wonder he refused food and nursing completely. 

Worrying that he will be dehydrated I had to forcefully give him liquid, he swallowed with great difficulty and lots of tears.

To cut the story short, it was 5 days and nights of no sleep and lots of tears for both mommy and baby. When he finally nursed after 5 whole days of nursing strike... I sigh with relief and promise to myself that I will never complain about his night time marathon nursing again!

So today after sending the baby to the daycare, I decided that I want something that could comfort me and compensate the harsh week I had! I set out to make this crispy rice noodle. 

There is this restaurant near my parent's house that made the best crispy rice noodle ever. I tried to make this as close to the one they made back home as possible. This recipe tastes slightly different than the one I liked, but not bad as a home cook version, not bad at all.



Saturday, September 14, 2013

Mooncake Golden Syrup -- The first step of making Cantonese Mooncake

The Mid-Autumn festival (中秋节)is approaching again. It is time to make the famous mooncake!

A group of us in NJ get together around this time of the year every year to make mooncake together, some of us will prepared the fillings and some of us made the skin dough, we made so many different kind of mooncakes, ranging from Shanghainese meat/salted mooncake to the sweet treat like Cantonese mooncake.

The debate of which should be official -- the salted version or the sweet version is always one of the heated debates during our get together, the debate will continues to the next few weeks when we meet again to eat our mooncakes and celebrate Mid-Autumn festival together with a lot of yummy pot luck dishes. We can never remember who won the debate,but the memories of celebrations, good time, good foods and food friends are always in our mind.

This year I decided to make a batch of golden syrup, even though I could not make it to the mooncake making get together due to personal reason. 

The Chinese Forum - Wenxuecity that I was honored to be appointed as a moderator (版主) is currently running a Mid-Autumn Festival activity. I figured if I can't write a post about mooncake, maybe I can submit this Golden Syrup as part of the show/Activity.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

【南瓜椰子酱 】Pumpkin Kaya(Pumpkin Coconut Jam / Vegan Kaya )



I went out to the pharmacy to pick up a few things yesterday and was surrounded by Halloween decorations in the stores! It is a good reminder that pumpkin season is here again! I am a big fan of pumpkins and would love to try just about any recipes that called for this golden color treat!

This particular Coconut Jam/Kaya recipe has been circulating around bloggers for a good couple of years, I have read about it and thought it was such a smart and brilliant way to make this renown coconut Jam vegetarian friendly! I bumped into this recipe again not long ago, and since I have a big piece of pumpkin sitting in the fridge, guess what I did yesterday?

Yupp! I made this jam and the outcome is so great that I can hardly take my eyes off of it! I hope my pictures do justice to its beauty. 

I also enjoyed a piece of toast with butter and Kaya right after I was done making it. Now the idea of fall approaching is not that depressing anymore.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

【阿多博卤鸡】Chicken Adobo

好吃到不行-- 阿多博卤鸡 (Chicken Adobo),终于知道菲律宾人为什么老夸他们这款卤鸡了,香浓,软糯,入口即化的鸡肉配上热腾腾的白米饭,减肥的人请自行绕道而过!

As I mentioned in my previous post that I was reading a couple of Filipino food blogs and could not but to notice that everyone of them rave about their yummy national dish -- Chicken Adobo. I made a mental note that I definitely have to try making it once. And how glad am I that I did! This dish is super yummy and I had to drag N and baby A out for a 3 miles walk to burn off the extra rice I had for dinner!