N started traveling again for his job and I am trying to put A back into routine, with mom and brother visiting the last 3 months and N working from home the last few weeks. A's bedtime has been greatly affected, he was having so much fun playing with everybody that he fights his sleep every night until much later. It is really not to my liking, I am at the opinion that toddler should go to bed around the latest 8.00 pm, he has been pushing it to 9.30-10.00 pm almost every night!
I started putting him earlier to be the last two days, it was tough as he protest and will do everything he could to stay awake when I brought him into bed. I guess I just have to persist and keep trying!
So coming back to this curry that I am posting today. It has been long time since I last cook Malaysian Curry, the reason mainly due to that some of the essential ingredients, especially the fresh herbs are not easily available. Even if I do find them, they are scattered in different Asian supermarkets around town that I have to make various shopping trips to gathered them all.
One day last week I was browsing on the internet and bumped into a Malaysian blog post that explained if you simmered the curry powder slowly until the oil breaks, a very tasty curry can be produced with having to add so many types of fresh herbs! I mentally noted the cooking method and prepared the curry the next day.
It was indeed really delicious and taste even better the day after!
媽媽回國以後我又回到了掌廚的日子。家裡的兩個大男人(我弟弟和老公)都喜歡吃馬來咖哩雞,但我不常做,主要是因為很多材料不容易找到,即使找得到也分散在不同的超市裡,做一次咖哩要去好幾家超市買東西,想起就有點提不起勁了。有一天晚上一邊哄寶寶睡覺一邊拿著手機上網,看見有個馬來博主說只要把咖哩粉慢火用油熬好,不用其他的生辛香料也可以做出好吃的馬來咖哩雞。但這個做法對熬咖哩粉的火候和咖哩粉的要求比較高。我第二天就馬上嘗試這個做法,味道真的很不錯噢!第二天它更好吃!原做法出自 : aziejaya.blogspot.com/