Ever since I received the tempeh starter sent by a friend. I have been making tempeh at home. It is a good source of protein and is one of my favorite cooking ingredients back home. (You could now find tempeh at trader Joe's and wholefood, a good substitute to meat/fish!)
As my tempeh was growing at home, I saw frozen Petai/Stinking bean at the local Asian supermarket, it has been a long time since I have petai, I just couldn't resist bringing a packet home.
This Sambal tempeh petai is a very healthy and really satisfying dish!
自从朋友给我寄来丹贝黴菌之后我就经常在家自己做丹贝。丹贝是个非常好的植物蛋白质来源。刚好前几天在Hmart看见有泰国进口的臭豆(美丽球花豆/Petai/Power bean),是东南亚很特殊的一种食材。