Saturday, January 14, 2017

Chinese Stewed Pork Burger 白吉馍 & 肉夹馍

Roujiamo (肉夹馍) is considered the Chinese equivalent to the Western hamburger and meat sandwiches, it is a street food originating from Shaanxi Province in China. It is also made famous by Xi'an Famous in New York City a couple of years back.

The flatbread used for this sandwich is called "Bai Ji Mo” (白吉馍), which is made from wheat flour first toasted on flat pan and then baked in a clay or mud oven. A good Bai Ji Mo is said to be crusty on the outside and soft in the inside. 

The stewed meat is most commonly pork, stewed for hours in Master Stock, it is later chopped and stuffed into the flatbread, served with a little gravy from the stew (腊汁), thus this Chinese Stewed Pork Burger is also called “腊汁肉夹馍” which means Chinese Stewed Pork Burger with gravy.




Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Hakka Waxed/cured Meat 【客家腊肉】

Together with Lap Cheong or Chinese Waxed Sausage, Waxed duck and Cantonese Waxed Meat I also made a small batch of Hakka Waxed Meat, a type of wind-dried, cured, dried meat typically made/eaten by the Hakka Clan during Chinese New Year.

This type of cured meat is unique comparing with its peers, it uses a lot of spices in its marination, it is starting by soaking the spices in Chinese spirit for days before applying to the meat, this unique method will blend and bring the aroma of spices out and gives the cured meat a very distinct and pleasant flavor.

The way of making is pretty similar to the other Chinese cured meat, it is marinated with seasoning for days and then left hung out to air dry in a dry cool place until cured for approximately 14-24 days depending on the weather.

Beside the flavor, the other difference between the cantonese waxed meat and this Hakka waxed meat is that this meat will be smoked once it is cured to give more flavor to the meat.

冬至前后是制作腊味的好时节。“秋风起,腊味香” 是广粤那里耳熟能详的口头禅,过去很多家庭都会趁着秋风起,空气冷冽干燥的时候腌制腊味。



Cantonese Waxed Meat 【广式腊肉】

Together with Lap Cheong or Chinese Waxed Sausage and Waxed duckI also made a small batch of Cantonese Waxed Meat, a type of wind-dried, cured, dried meat typically made/eaten during Chinese New Year.

This cured meat is normally used to prepare dishes for the Chinese New year Reunion dinner. The way of making is pretty similar to the Lap Cheong, marinated with seasoning for days and then left hung out to air dry in a dry cool place until cured for approximately 7-14 days depending on the weather.

冬至前后是制作腊味的好时节。“秋风起,腊味香” 是广粤那里耳熟能详的口头禅,过去很多家庭都会趁着秋风起,空气冷冽干燥的时候腌制腊味。


Sunday, January 8, 2017

Chinese Waxed Duck 【腊鸭】

Together with Lap Cheong or Chinese Waxed Sausage, I also made a small batch of Lap Ngak (Waxed duck), a type of wind-dried, cured, dried meat typically made/eaten during Chinese New Year.

This cured meat is normally used to prepare dishes for the Chinese New year Reunion dinner. The way of making is pretty similar to the Lap Cheong, marinated with seasoning for days and then left hung out to air dry in a dry cool place until cured for approximately 7-14 days depending on the weather.

The only difference between the cantonese Lap Cheong and this Chinese waxed duck is that the duck will be smoked once cured to give more flavor to the meat.

冬至前后是制作腊味的好时节。“秋风起,腊味香” 是广粤那里耳熟能详的口头禅,过去很多家庭都会趁着秋风起,空气冷冽干燥的时候腌制腊味。


Thursday, January 5, 2017

Chinese Lap Cheong/Waxed Sausage 【广式腊肠】

Lap Cheong or Chinese Waxed Sausage is a type of wind-dried, cured, dried meat sausages typically made/eaten during Chinese New Year, the flavour of Lap Cheong vary depending on the seasonings used. The Cantonese type of Lap Cheong I made this time have a sweet-savoury taste, adding Homemade Ang Chow gives very good color to my Lap Cheong.

These sausages are prepared quiet similar to other sausages. Pork together with pork fat is chopped or minced and seasoned, left marinated for days before stuffing into sausage casing and then left hung out to air dry in a dry cool place until cured for approximately 7-14 days depending on the weather.

冬至前后是制作腊味的好时节。“秋风起,腊味香” 是广粤那里耳熟能详的口头禅,过去很多家庭都会趁着秋风起,空气冷冽干燥的时候腌制腊味。


Sunday, January 1, 2017

Lotus Root and Peanut Soup 【花生莲藕猪骨汤】

Lotus Root and Peanut Soup is a very common soup enjoyed by many back home. Lotus root combined with peanuts is believed to be very nutritious and have all kinds of health benefits especially in winter season.


中医认为藕性寒、味甘,是一款冬令进补的保健食品,既可食用,又可药用。 生食能凉血散淤,熟食能补心益肾,可以补五脏之虚,强壮筋骨,滋阴养血。同时还能利尿通便,帮助排泄体内的废物和毒素。对于肝病、便秘、糖尿病等一切有虚弱之症的人十分有益,对于淤血、吐血、衄血、尿血、便血的人以及产妇极为适合。不过因为藕性偏凉,故产妇不宜过早食用,一般产后1-2周后再吃藕为好。