Sunday, May 21, 2023

【玉米面豆沙包】Corn Meal Adzuki Bean Paste Steamed Buns

我经常在家里做红豆包,是个很方便的早点和点心,自己做的也可以按喜好调整甜度,没有买来的齁甜, 今天做的这款豆沙包面皮加了玉米面,成品带有玉米香,更好吃!

I make Adzuki bean steamed buns a lot for breakfast, I liked that it is healthy and I could make it less sweet compared to the shop bought version, today I make a batch adding Corn Meal to the Skin dough, it turned out to be so fragrance and a lot more nutritious for sure.

Ingredients:(makes 10)

For dough:

2 cup/ 240-260 gm All purpose flour (I used Organic Unbleached flour)
1 cup/ 120-130 gm Corn meal
5 g / 1 packet of Active Dry Yeast
2 tbsp/30 gm Castor/ Powdered Sugar
1 tsp Baking Powder
1 cup lukewarm water
1 tbsp oil

For the Adzuki filling:
1 cup / 180 g Dried Adzuki bean
4 tbsp /50 g sugar
2 tbsp / 20 g lard/cooking oil



2 杯/ 240-260 克 中筋面粉 (我用了 Organic Unbleached flour)
1 杯/ 120-130 克 玉米面
5 克 (一包)快速酵母 (Active Dry Yeast)
2 大勺/30 克 细砂糖
1 小勺 泡打粉 (Baking Powder)
1 杯  温水 
1 大勺 食油/猪油

1 杯/ 180 克 红豆
4 大勺/50 克 糖
2 大勺/ 20 克 猪油/食油

1. 红豆洗净泡水一晚上,第二天沥干水份把红豆放到高压锅里,加水没过豆子,加盖煮。高压锅出气之后继续煮8分钟。

2. 锅里热上2大勺猪油/食油,把煮好的豆子倒入。中火加热炒制,间中不断搅拌避免粘锅。

3. 炒制至豆沙可以抱团,铲子能够直立在豆沙中间不倒下即可加糖调味。

4. 加糖拌匀,等糖都溶化之后即可熄火冷却使用。


5. 取350克豆馅分成十个等份,搓成丸子状备用。

1. Wash and soak the adzuki beans over night.

2. Drain and submerge the bean with water in a pressure cooker, the water should be just enough to submerge the beans a little more is ok too. Cook the bean in pressure cooker for 8 minutes after the first whistle.

3. Release the pressure of the pot and let cool to room temperature. 

4. Heat 2 tbsp of lard in a cooking pan, pour the cooked bean into the pan, cook at medium and constantly stirring, until it is thick enough to hold a spatula standing.

5. Add sugar and mix well, let cool before using.

P/s: Store in airtight container up to 1 week in the refrigerator. 

6. Take 350 g of this cooled paste and divide it into 10 equal part and roll them into small balls.

6. 把列在面团下边的所有材料(除了泡打粉)混合均匀,揉成一个软面团。

7. 加盖放温暖处发酵成两倍大(冬天需要大约45分钟),把泡打粉均匀撒到面团上再揉5分钟至光滑。

8. 把面团揉出空气,分成10个等份 。擀开呈圆形,然后把边擀薄,成中间厚,边上薄的面片。加上一份红豆馅,捏花包好。

9. 加盖静置15分钟,同时煮开小半锅水。水开后把蒸笼置到锅上大火蒸15分钟,蒸好熄火后不要马上开盖子,等五分钟再取出包子。

7. Knead together all the ingredients listed under dough and form a soft dough, covered it with clean cloth and leave it at warm place to raise to double its size. 

8. Turn the dough on a working space, evenly sprinkle baking powder over the dough and knead further for 5 minutes until the dough become smooth on the surface.

9.Divide dough into 10 equal portions, depending on the size of pau you want to make. Use a rolling pin to roll out a portion of dough in such a way that the edges are thinner than the center.

10. Place the adzuki bean fillings in the center of the flat disc. Wrap and pleat to form a bun with flowery shape on top. It is important to proof the buns for 15-20 minutes before steaming.

11. Boil water in a steamer/wok, add 2 tbsp of vinegar into boiling water, this can enhance the color of pau and make it whiter in color. Steam the bun over high heat/rapid boiling water for 15 minutes.

12. Remove the whole steamer immediately from stove, DO NOT open the lid at this point of time. Wait for at least 5 minutes before you check on your buns. Serve warm or cold。

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