Ingredients:(makes 10)
For dough:
2 cup/ 240-260 gm All purpose flour (I used Organic Unbleached flour)
5 g / 1 packet of Active Dry Yeast
2 tbsp/30 gm Castor/ Powdered Sugar
1 tsp Baking Powder
1 cup lukewarm water
1 tbsp oil
1 cup / 180 g Dried Adzuki bean
4 tbsp /50 g sugar
2 杯/ 240-260 克 中筋面粉 (我用了 Organic Unbleached flour)
5 克 (一包)快速酵母 (Active Dry Yeast)
2 大勺/30 克 细砂糖
1 小勺 泡打粉 (Baking Powder)
1 杯 温水
1 杯/ 180 克 红豆
4 大勺/50 克 糖
1. 红豆洗净泡水一晚上,第二天沥干水份把红豆放到高压锅里,加水没过豆子,加盖煮。高压锅出气之后继续煮8分钟。
2. 锅里热上2大勺猪油/食油,把煮好的豆子倒入。中火加热炒制,间中不断搅拌避免粘锅。
3. 炒制至豆沙可以抱团,铲子能够直立在豆沙中间不倒下即可加糖调味。
4. 加糖拌匀,等糖都溶化之后即可熄火冷却使用。
5. 取350克豆馅分成十个等份,搓成丸子状备用。
1. Wash and soak the adzuki beans over night.
2. Drain and submerge the bean with water in a pressure cooker, the water should be just enough to submerge the beans a little more is ok too. Cook the bean in pressure cooker for 8 minutes after the first whistle.
3. Release the pressure of the pot and let cool to room temperature.
4. Heat 2 tbsp of lard in a cooking pan, pour the cooked bean into the pan, cook at medium and constantly stirring, until it is thick enough to hold a spatula standing.
5. Add sugar and mix well, let cool before using.
P/s: Store in airtight container up to 1 week in the refrigerator.
6. Take 350 g of this cooled paste and divide it into 10 equal part and roll them into small balls.
6. 把列在面团下边的所有材料(除了泡打粉)混合均匀,揉成一个软面团。
12. Remove the whole steamer immediately from stove, DO NOT open the lid at this point of time. Wait for at least 5 minutes before you check on your buns. Serve warm or cold。
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