This is not a very common way of cooking fish in my family, we normally just steamed the fish or pan fry it and eat the fish with Soy sauce and a little vinegar, I learnt this braised fish dish from my friend on a forum and love the taste of it !
1 条大约500克 的鲈鱼 或 任何你喜欢的鱼
2-3 片 姜片
2-3 瓣 蒜瓣
2 根 葱 切段
2-3 只 辣椒干 可无
1/4 杯 料酒
1 小勺 老抽
1 大勺 酱油
少许 糖
1 Sea bass around 500gm or any type of fish that you like
3-4 slices of ginger
3-4 cloves of garlic, sliced or whole
1 Spring Onion, cut into 1-2 inches
2-3 dried chilies(optional)
1/4 cup of cooking wine
1 tsp of dark soy sauce
1 tbsp of Light soy sauce
1/4 tsp of sugar
2. 把鱼煎香后把煎鱼的油盛出并留下大约一大匙的食油在锅里。
3. 把姜葱蒜倒入煸炒一分钟后加入辣椒干。倒入料酒和半杯水,加入老抽酱油和糖煮滚,把煎好的鱼倒入煮大约3分钟,然后翻面,再煮两分钟。
4. 然后把鱼捞出摆盘,锅里的汤汁用小半勺芡粉加1/4杯水打薄芡后淋到鱼上头即可上桌。
1. Clean the fish thoroughly and rub a little salt to marinate the fish for 5-10 minutes, meanwhile, prepare all other ingredients accordingly.
2. Shallow fry both sides of the fish until golden brown in color.
3. Take out the excess oil and leave about 1 tbsp of cooking oil in the wok, add the ginger, garlic and spring onion and fry until fragrant.
4. Add the dried chilies and stir for about 30 seconds, pour the cooking wine and water in, bring to boil and season with both dark and light soy sauce.
5. Add the cooked fish back to the wok, cover with lid and cook for about 2 minutes, turn the fish and cook for another 2 minutes.
6. Take the fish out and place it on a serving plate, leaving the gravy in the wok, mix 1/2 tsp of corn starch or any starch with 1/4 cup of water and add it to the gravy, cook to thicken the gravy, pour the sauce onto the fish, and serve warm.
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