One of my mom's childhood friend sells Kuih/cakes at the morning market. Her White Sugar Sponge Cake is exceptional, very crunchy, sweet with a touch of sourness.
I have to thank my sweet friend Bobo selflessly shared her recipe with me, this Bak Tong Gou (白糖糕)turned out exactly like I remembered.
Note: The original recipe was written in February 2011, updated with new photographs.
200 g Rice Flour
2 cups / 440 ml Water
200 g long grain rice
1 1/2 cup + 3 tbsp / 370 ml water
180 g Sugar ( I used Palm Sugar)
1 tsp Active dried yeast
1/2 tsp Baking Powder
200 克 粘米粉
2 杯 / 440 毫升/克 水
200 g 籼米/长米/long grain rice
1 1/2 杯 + 3 大勺/ 370 毫升/克 水
180 克 白糖 (或椰糖)
1 tsp 快速酵母
1/2 tsp 泡打粉
1. Soaked rice for at least 5 hours, drained and grind with 1/2 cup/120 ml of water until smooth.
Place rice flour in a mixing bowl and add 1/2 cup/120 ml of water, whisk until smooth.
2. In a sauce pan, boil together sugar and remaining of water, when the water became a little lukewarm (around 60F). Take out 2-3 tbsps of water in a bowl and add dried yeast, put it aside until it form a layer of cloud.
Note: it is utterly important to watch the temperature of water here, high temperature will kill the yeast.
1. 把米淘洗干净后泡水至少五个小时,沥干后加入1/2杯/120毫升的水用搅拌机搅拌成糊状。
2. 把水和糖用一口小锅煮溶,在水变成微温的时候,用勺子掏出2-3大匙的水把酵母搅拌好,放一边至出现云絮状为止。
3. Continue to boil the sugar water till rolling boil. Pour the boiling sugar water into the grinded/whisked rice batter. The rice flour now should turn into a thick paste like.
Note: you can use a big sieve and press the batter through, this step is to prevent any lumps in the batter.
4. When the batter cooled to room temperature, stir in the "clouded" yeast , stir well. Cover the bowl and leave the mixture at a warm place to ferment for 5-6 hours.
5. Pour the batter into a greased 8 inches baking pan, steam at high heat for 30 minutes. Let cool before cutting it.
4. 米糊温度降下来之后拌入酵母拌匀。盖上保鲜膜,摆到比较温暖的地方发酵5-6个小时,冬天气温低,我昨晚做的,今早蒸,一共发酵了12个小时,也没有过酸的情况。
5. 烤盘里抹上一点的油,把发酵好的米糊倒入八寸的烤盘里,入锅大火蒸30分钟后,冷却才切块吃。
中文版-- 白糖糕
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