Monday, December 26, 2022

【西洋菜蜜】Watercress Honey Drink



I spent two months in Hong Kong sometimes ago and really enjoyed the food in Hong Kong. This watercress honey drink is a type of drink that many restaurants serve, very unique and refreshing.

Since it is not too hard to make it at home, I decided to make a pot of this drink for this winter day.

150 克 西洋菜
3-4 颗 蜜枣
1500 ml 水
适量 蜂蜜

150 g of Watercress
3-4 Chinese Candied dates
1500 ml water
Honey/Rock Honey to taste

1. 把西洋菜洗净沥干水份,加入1500 ml 水,4-5颗蜜枣,煮滚后转中火继续煮20-25分钟即可。

2. 喝的时候加入蜂蜜或者蜂糖调味。冷热皆可。

1. Clean and drain the watercress, add 1500 ml of water into a pot with the watercress and 4-5 candied dates. 

2. Bring the pot to a rolling boil, turn to medium heat and continue cooking for 20-25 minutes.

2. Add honey or rock honey to taste, serve hot or cold.

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