1 只 美国大茄子
1 只小 洋葱/或半只中型洋葱 (切碎)
3-4 瓣 蒜 (切碎)
3-4 只青辣椒 (切碎)
1 把香菜 (切碎)
2 tsp Roasted Chili Flakes (就是吃pizza时用的那种,如果没有,就自己把辣椒粉煸煸)
1 tsp 煸香的 孜然粉 (Cummin Powder)
1 1/2 大勺 青柠/柠檬汁
盐适量 (大约稍微少于 1 小勺)
1 large american eggplant
1 small or 1/2 medium size Bombay onion (minced)
3-4 cloves of garlic (minced)
3-4 green chilies (Sliced)
1 bunch of coriander leaves (chopped)
Some Oil for cooking
2 tsp Roasted Chili Flakes
1 tsp Roasted Cummin Powder
1 1/2 tbsp lemon/lime juice
Salt to taste (slightly lesser than 1 tsp)
1. 先把大茄子洗干净,然后抹上一层食油(这个步骤很重要,不然茄子会烤不熟,一定记得要抹油喔!)在炉子上小火慢慢烤,不时要转动茄子确保茄子每个部分都烤匀,等茄子皮开始碳化变皱,茄子就烤好了。这个做法的茄子带点碳烤的香味,风味会更独特。
注:如果想要省事,也可以把茄子抹好油之后,丢到烤箱里 400 F 烤 20-25分钟至茄子变软。或根据茄子大小和烤箱的温度调整,主要是把茄子烤软就是了。
2. 把茄子皮和瓜蒂去除,茄子备用。
3. 在一口锅里加入 2 大匙的食油,中火把洋葱和蒜蓉煸炒香,然后把辣椒粉和孜然粉加入,煸炒香,加入青椒再煸炒香。
4. 把茄子倒入,用个铲子或者压土豆泥的铲子把茄子压成泥。加盐和柠檬汁调味,继续烹调3-5分钟。吃的时候可以加入切碎的香菜拌匀,味道更好。
有兴趣的朋友可以也看看 -- 香辣茄子泥 - 食谱 1
1. Clean the eggplant, and evenly coat a layer of cooking oil over the eggplant, roast it at low flame on stove, keep turning to make sure all the surface roasted. When the skin of eggplant started charred and wrinkled, the pulps should be already soft, remove the eggplant. Let cold, remove stem and skin.
Note:You could also roast the eggplant in oven at 400 F for 20-25 minutes or until it is tender.
2. In a cooking pan, heat up 2 tbsp of oil, stir in minced garlic and onion, until golden brown or fragrant. Add chili flakes and cumin powder,
continue stirring for a while, add green chili.
3. Add the cooked eggplant, use a potato masher to mash the eggplant. Season with salt and lemon/lime juice.
4. Continue cooking for 3-5 minutes, add the chopped coriander leaves before serving.
中文 -- 香辣茄子泥
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