Sunday, February 2, 2025

【四喜丸子】Four-Joy Meatballs




I made Lion's head meatballs in clear broth during the Chinese New Year several years ago. It is very light and delicious.

I have also been thinking about making these four-joy meatballs for Chinese New Year since.

Many years have passed, and I finally get to make it this year. I enjoyed it with rice and am very pleased with the result.

500 克 五花肉 (靠近猪肋骨部分肥瘦相间的部分最好)
50 克 罐头 清水荸荠/马蹄  或 新鲜的荸荠/马蹄
2-3 朵 香菇
1/4 寸 生姜
2 根 青葱 只取葱白部分用
1 小勺 食盐
1 小勺 蚝油
一撮 白胡椒粉
2 大勺 生粉/淀粉

1/2 小勺 黑酱油/焦糖酱油
1 小勺 生抽
1/2 小勺 蚝油(可选)
1 小勺 玉米淀粉
一根 青葱
1/2 小勺红糟 或 一点点的红曲粉

500 g of Pork Belly (Use the part that is closer to ribs, the ratio of fat and lean meat is just right)
50 g of Chinese Water Chest Nuts, canned or fresh
2-3 Mushrooms 
1/4 inch of ginger root
2 Scallions (Use only the white part)
1 tsp of salt
1 tsp of oyster sauce
A pinch of white pepper powder
2 tbsp of Corn starch

Seasoning :
1/2 tsp Dark/Caramelized Soy Sauce
1 tsp Light Soy sauce
1/2 tsp oyster sauce  Optional
1 tsp corn starch
1 Spring Onion
2-3 slices of Ginger
1 star anise

1. 先把五花肉去皮切成片,然后切成条,再切成丁,稍微剁剁,把剁好的肉末放到一个大盆里。

1. The most important ingredients in this dish is the pork belly, using fresh and good quality meat is utmost important, shop bought ready minced meat is a big NO NO.

2. Remove the skin of the pork belly, cut it into slices about 5 mm in thickness, then cut the slices  into strips, and strips dice into small cubes. I will chop the  meat for 2-3 minutes to further mincing the meat a little. Place the meat in a large mixing bowl.

2. 葱白和姜片加点水用搅拌机搅拌成姜葱水。把搅拌好的姜葱水慢慢地加入肉末里用手抓匀至都吸入肉里。

3. 荸荠/马蹄沥干水切碎,香菇泡软沥干水切碎,和一颗蛋一起加入肉末里用手抓匀。间中加入食盐、白胡椒粉、蚝油、料酒和淀粉拌匀后搅拌上劲。

4.  取适量肉末团成球状,然后轻轻丢到另外一只手里,这样两只手抛来抛去的过程中丸子表面会渐渐变得平滑而紧实。

5. 把丸子入油锅中火炸至定型才反面,把丸子都炸好去除沥干油备用。

3. Add some water to the scallion and ginger root and blend them in a blender to make ginger and scallion water. Slowly add the blended ginger and scallion water to the minced meat and mix it with your hands until it is absorbed into the meat.

4. Drain the water chestnuts/water chestnuts and minced them into fine pieces. Soak the mushrooms until soft, drain them and minced it into fine pieces. Add them to the minced meat with an egg and mix them with your hands. Season with salt, white pepper, oyster sauce, cooking wine and starch and mix well, set it aside for 5 minutes.

5. Take about a handful amount of minced meat and roll it into a ball. Then gently throw it into your other hand. In this way, the surface of the ball will gradually become smooth and firm as you toss it back and forth with your two hands.

6. Fry the meatballs in a frying with 1 cup of oil over medium heat until it is set and before turning it. After all the meatballs are fried, remove from the oil, drained and set aside.

6. 锅里热上一小勺油,把八角姜片和葱段入锅爆香,加入1杯水和除了芡粉以外的调味料煮滚。

7. 把肉丸子入锅煮个5分钟左右,姜葱和八角取出丢弃,肉丸子取出摆盘。 

8. 把芡粉加几大勺水拌匀后倒入锅里剩下的汤汁里,收浓后淋到丸子上即可上桌。

7. Heat a spoonful of oil in a pan, add star anise, ginger slices and scallions, sauté until fragrant, add 1 cup of water and the seasonings except cornstarch, bring to boil.

8. Add the meatballs and cook for about 5 minutes, remove the ginger slices, star anise and spring onion.

9. Place the meatballs on a plate.

10. Add cornstarch to a few tablespoons of water and mix well, pour the starch water into the remaining gravy in the cooking pan. Stir as the gravy thickens, drizzle the gravy over meatballs and serve hot.

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