Saturday, August 27, 2011

【江鱼仔虎皮青椒】Anchovies with Green Chilli

这个小菜是我娘家几乎每次煮粥都会做的一个小菜,香辣的虎皮青椒加上炸得脆脆的江鱼仔,口感和味道都是下粥的上选。最近家里的Hot Banana盛产,做个虎皮青椒下粥,很是舒服!

We make this dish whenever we cook porridge/congee back home, the crispiness of fried anchovies compliments the spiciness of the roasted chilies so well that it is in my opinion the best possible dish for congee!


10-12 根 牛角椒 (我用了Hot banana)划开去籽切段。

1/2 杯 江鱼仔 (去头去肠泥)

1 大勺 咸豆酱/黄酱


10-12 cow horn chilli  (I use Hot banana) seeded and cut into pieces.
1/2 cup anchovies headed and cleaned
1 tbsp Fermented Soy Bean Paste
A pinch of sugar



2. 把江鱼仔炸脆备用。

3. 锅里下豆瓣酱,炒香,洒点水,把青椒倒入翻匀,加点糖提味,翻匀,出锅。

4. 把炸脆的江鱼仔铺在青椒上就好了, 是个下粥的好菜哦!

1. Clean and prepare all ingredients accordingly. Add about 1 tbsp of oil in the cooking pan, stir fry chilies until the skins wrinkled, dish out and set aside.

2. In the same wok, add about 1/3 cup of oil, heat up at medium heat, when it is well heated, add anchovies and fry for 5-8 minutes till it is dry and crispy. Drain, take it out and set aside.

3. Remove most of the oil leaving only about 1 tsp, add fermented soy bean paste and about 2-3 tbps of water, stir well and cook for about 1-2 minutes before adding the green chilies.

4. Season with a little sugar, take it out on a plate and spread fried anchovies over the chillies before serving.

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