Saturday, April 9, 2022

【驴打滚】Glutinous Rice Rolls with Red Bean Paste


Years back mom went with me to a gathering, a friend of mine from Beijing made this dessert and brought with her, it was so tasty that my mother still thinks about it even today.

1 杯 糯米粉
2/3 杯 水 (可以减去一大勺水,更筋道)
1 大勺 糖
1 大勺 食油

1/2 杯 红豆沙
1/2 杯 黄豆

1 Cup of Glutinous rice flour
2/3 Cup of water (Reduce 1 tbsp of water if you like it chewier)
1 tbsp Sugar
1 tbsp cooking oil

1/2 Cup Adzuki Bean Paste 
1/2 Cup Soy Bean

1. 把黄豆小火炒香冷却磨成粉备用。这个过程比较耗时,大概要45-60分钟。


2. 把糯米粉、糖、油和水混合,入蒸笼大火蒸20分钟。

3. 自己做的或者买的豆沙加点热水对开,比较容易抹开的状态即可。

1. Roast the soybean in a frying pan until crunchy and aroma. It takes about 45-60 mins to roast the soy beans , let cool and grind the soy bean into powder using a coffee grinder.

Note: If you like this dessert a lot, you can make a big batch of toasted soy bean flour and keep it in air tight container.

2. Place glutinous rice flour, sugar, oil and water in a bowl, whisk until smooth. Steam at high for 20 minutes.

3. Add a little hot water to the shop bought or homemade adzuki bean paste, and mix well.

4. 在一个干净的案板上撒上一些黄豆粉,把蒸好的糯米糕倒到黄豆粉上均匀沾上黄豆粉。

5. 用个擀面杖把糯米糕擀开成大约5毫米厚。

6. 把豆沙均匀地抹上后均匀地卷起。

7. 切段即可食用,吃之前可以再撒点黄豆粉,更香。驴打滚最好现做现吃,第二天口感没新鲜的好吃。

4. Spread some toasted soybean flour on a counter before placing the steamed glutinous rice cake over it.

5. Coat the cake with toasted soybean flour, with the help of a rolling pin, roll the glutinous rice cake into 5 mm in thickness.

6. Evenly spread the Adzuki bean paste over the rice cake.

7. Tightly roll it up, cut into 2 inches in length. Sprinkle more toasted soybean flour before serving. Serve fresh with Chinese tea.

Note: Try adding hot water to the adzuki bean paste before spreading, it will be easier that way.


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