Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Mint Tea 【薄荷茶】

This was made during the peak of summer. It was more than 90 F today and I had absolutely no appetite for anything. I walked out to my garden during hot afternoon. Clipped a few stems of sweet peppermint to make this mint tea, and sweetened with honey. 

With a good book at hand... my afternoon is just perfect !



“薄荷辛凉性发汗解热药,治流行性感冒、头疼、目赤、身热、咽喉、牙床肿痛等症。处用可治神经痛、皮肤瘙痒、皮疹和湿疹等。平常以薄荷代茶,清心明目。其叶长于发汗,梗偏于理气。 ”