Saturday, April 30, 2016

The Famous Cuihua BBQ Spare Ribs 【翠花排骨】

This Cui Hua BBQ Spare Ribs were a legend created at the famous North America Cooking forum "Wenxuecity Cooking Site" by a member nicknamed "Cui Hua" 翠花 years back.

This recipe became such phenomenal it spiral all over the cyberworld,you could even find this recipe recorded in the Chinese version of Google -- Baidu!

I made this several times and my family and friends love it a lot, I decided to make a post to record such a good recipe.


这排骨我这么多年来做了好多次,家人和朋友都很喜欢,就连我不爱吃猪肉的老公每次都可以吃好几根. 今天做一次翠花排骨记录食谱,思念许久不见的翠花姐姐。。。希望她一切安好。

翠花姐的原方子在这里 --



Tamatar Shorba/ Indian Style Tomato Soup 【番茄浓汤】

Being raised Chinese, I am a soup lover. There were always a big bowl of (clear) soup on the table for every meal back then. I was a little shocked to learn that my in laws (Indians) don't have the habit of drinking soup over a meal. A sort of cultural shock to me.

Tamatar Shorba/Indian Style Tomato soup is one of the few soups that my Indian side of families enjoyed, it is mostly being ordered in restaurants or served during parties, it is more like a western influence treat with Indian tweak.

I now make this soup occasionallywhen I have plenty of harvest of tomatoes in the summer and/or during exceptionally cold days in winter.



Thursday, April 28, 2016

Sambal Ikan Kembung 【叁巴甘榜鱼】

I made Ribs Congee not long ago and posted the picture on my FB page, it was my maternal grandma's recipe, my cousin Yin saw that and asked if I remember the Chili/Sambal Mackerel that grandma used to make.

It brought back so many memories when she mentioned this dish, I was very young and was still learning to eat spicy food, a little of this sambal paste with fish will have to be eaten with lots of white rice for me. I will fold a little of the sambal paste in the rice with some crushed mackerel and enjoyed it like I would with fried rice.



Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Shio-Koji Pork Chop 【盐麴猪排】

Shio-koji 塩麹 is my new obsession! Koji(麴)is rice that's been inoculated with the koji mold, it is an ingredient that has been used for centuries in Asia to make soy sauce, soy bean paste, miso and wine, When koji is combined with water and salt and allowed to ferment, it turns into shio-koji or salt koji.

It is the magic seasoning ingredient that is much talked in town, it adds an umami punch to food, it also tenderizes and gives meat golden glow. It allows you to cook with less salt, less fat and brings out the natural sweetness of meat without using MSG.

I first learnt about it in a Japanese series named Osen (おせん) and tasted pork belly made with it in one of our family gatherings, it was an instant love.

I bought two bottles of Shio-Koji during one of my recent visits to Mitsuwa and couldn't stop using it since.

These juicy pan-seared pork chops I made today get incredible flavor from shio koji, it turned hard to cook,often rough and chewy pork chops into tender, juicy succulent delicacy.






Monday, April 25, 2016


Chaach or Chaas is a yogurt-based drink dilutes with water, it is normally consumed plain or seasoned with a variety of spices, a very popular drink especially in across India, especially in summer. It is also believed to aid digestion, thus often consumed after a heavy meal.

It is commonly made with yogurt that is a few days old and is more sour in taste, I made this plain Chaach using my homemade yogurt this afternoon,  it is refreshing and very yummy!



Saturday, April 23, 2016

Homemade Chinese Style BBQ Seasoning【烧烤撒粉】

My husband N and I love Xinjiang Style Lamb skewers. We have eaten the skewers on many occasions at bbqs with friends, at restaurants and at the roadside carts in flushing, NYC. 

I made rack of lamb from Costco the Xinjiang style at home couple of times, it turned out very tender and juicy that we could not even stop eating.

The first step of making a good Xinjiang style lamb chop is to have some good seasoning powder, this powder works as sprinkles during the BBQ process. When blended with grease releases from lamb, it gives a very spicy and delectable taste, it is very addictive though.

Since I have many spices at home, I decided to make my own seasoning, it took me 3 attempts to find the right ingredients and ratio, I am very happy with the result!

俊爹很喜欢吃烤羊肉串,夏天和朋友们聚餐时我们常做羊肉串吃, 也经常到餐厅吃烤肉串。后来我在家用Costco买的羊排做烧烤口味,味道非常好,肉嫩嫩的特别好吃。


Wednesday, April 20, 2016

【酵母版曼煎糕】Apam Balik (Yeast Leavening method)

Apam balik (Turnover Pancake) also known as Min Chiang Kueh,Ban Jian Kuih in Malaysia is a type of griddle pancake common in Malaysia. It is usually sold at specialist roadside stalls the country.

In Malaysia, the dish has been declared a heritage food by the Malaysian Department of National Heritage. It is believed to have its origin from China, the Fujian Province.



相傳咸豐五年(1855年) 太平軍入福建,左宗棠率清兵前往平定,為了讓軍隊吃飽且不擾民,他決定將傳統鹹味煎餅給加以改良,利用福建盛產的蔗糖和花生碾碎,撒在已發酵鬆軟的煎餅上成為甜食煎糕,使士兵容易入口,且攜帶方便,於是這種煎糕便漸漸在福建尤其泉州一帶流傳開來,成為經濟實惠,食用方便的街頭小吃;後來也流傳到台灣,以及隨著早期閩藉移民的步履帶來了南洋。

在福建泉州及台灣金門,這種煎糕叫做“滿煎糕”,傳到台灣稱為“麵煎餅”,下了南洋,於檳城登岸後則化作福建方言“曼煎粿”(Ban Chang Kueh),中文寫成“曼煎糕”或“慢煎糕”,到了怡保則稱為“大塊麵”,南下吉隆坡一帶廣東人把它誤稱為“煎燶包”(其實煎燶包是另種傳統煎餅的名稱),再到新加坡,則寫成 “麵煎糕”或 “米煎糕”。

原鄉對這食物名稱中的滿字有兩種解釋,一為“滿清”之食,與左宗棠有關,另個則因為它用圓形大煎盤製作,麵糊倒入後會“漲滿”整個煎盤而得名。至於後來如何演變成南洋化的“曼慢麵米”, 就可能是經過方言的變奏與一廂情願的誤解了。

所以把“滿”變成了音譯的“曼”,再聯想成製程上的“慢”時,似乎已脫胎成很南洋風的一則傳奇,再加上近30多年來,除了保存傳統的大煎盤製作外,更出現大量接合印尼爪哇一帶的kueh terang bulan,而創造出另種小型薄脆的新版本,配料也從原先簡單的花生碎和糖外,變化出教人眼花撩亂的多種甜鹹口味。"


Friday, April 15, 2016

【草莓酸奶昔】Strawberry Lassi


Its Strawberry season!

With those sweet little strawberries in the market (and some from my garden).

I decided to make some Strawberry Lassi with my homemade yogurt, the whole family loved it!

Salmon Fried Rice 【三文鱼炒饭】

When we first came to the States, we were amazed with the price of foods here, coming from European country makes everything in the USA look so economical. We will go to Costco and bought tonnes of fruits and vegetables and meats, I will then literally cooking up a spree!

Salmon was one of our favourite purchase, I was initially very happy with the cut, it is boneless and is very easy to clean and prepare. We stopped buying from Costco shortly after, the reason is not hard to figure. The size of everything from Costco are humongous for a family of two, it started feeling more like a burden and I hate having to throw away many unused rotten vegetables.

Coming back to the salmon, I got tired of the meaty tasteless fillet, I grew up eating whole fish and enjoyed sucking on fish bones and head, we stopped buying salmon for a long time, until one day I discovered fish belly and fish bones in Hmart. I bought a packet home and managed to turn a 7 dollar box into three different dishes! How economical is that. Not to mention I thoroughly enjoyed the bones and succulent belly!




Thursday, April 14, 2016

【芒果酸奶昔】Mango Lassi (Mango Yogurt Smoothie)

Mango lassi is one drink I really enjoyed during my stay in India, especially during those hot summer days. Which is also the time different kind of mangoes come into season. 

This mango lassi is sweet, smooth and full of flavor, oh so satisfying!

芒果酸奶昔(Lassi)是我在印度时经常买来享用的饮料。夏日炎炎的时候也是芒果盛产的季节. 慵懒没胃口的夏日午后,来一杯冰凉香甜的Lassi,舒心的感觉至今仍在心间呢!

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Homemade Yogurt 【自制优格】

My son A is a yogurt lover, when I used to buy store-bought organic yogurt, he can downed 4 squeezers in no time. I also used a lot of yogurt in cooking and as condiments in Indian foods. I started feeling it when I have to bring 2-3 boxes of yogurt every trip to grocery stores, it could add up to quite a bit especially we only consume organic ones.

It is also very hard to find full cream/whole yogurt, most store-bought yogurt, even the organic ones are mostly low fat, which we have been trying to avoid for a long time now.

I started making yogurt at home few months back since I have a steamer that comes with yogurt function. Making yogurt at home is pretty easy, you don't really have to invest in a yogurt maker or steamer, there are many incubators you can try on, such as a thermos, crockpot, covered container, a microwave, heating pad.

It also takes literally only 5 minutes to make the yogurt as long as your tools are sanitized and cleaned beforehand, I normally make mine before going to bed and let it incubate overnight.

Try making it at home if you are not already did, it is worth the while and tasting so much better!

俊宝很爱吃优格/酸奶,每次给他买水果口味的优格他一次就可以吃四只squeezer。我平时做菜优格也用得很多, 宝宝出生后一直都买的是有机优格,价格比较贵。后来我买了个带有优格制作功能的蒸笼,就开始在家里自制优格,后来一直都没有再买过市售的优格。


Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Tau Yu Bak 【豆油肉】

I gotta insist that one pronounce the name of this dish in Hokkian (Minnan), light soy sauce is called "Tau Yu" and meat in Hokkian is called "Bak" thus the name of this dish, Tau Yu bak means meat braised in light soy sauce! It is a very typical Hokkian/Minnan dish and the recipe is often heritage and passed down from mother to daughter, so you can now guess where I got mine from!

The preparation is a little similar to its close cousin  "Hong Shao Rou/红烧肉", but Tau Yu Bak has thinner gravy and is almost always prepared with fried tofu cutlets and hard boiled eggs.

My dad's favourite way to enjoy this dish is to drizzle the gravy over steamed rice and mixed before digging in. I did the same for my son A and he had a big bowl of it!

这款炖肉要用闽南语来说,酱油闽南语里叫“豆油”,Tau Yu Bak (豆油肉)就是酱油肉的意思。有点类似卤肉,但没有卤肉那么浓郁,汤汁也更稀一些。我爸很喜欢用豆油肉的汤汁拌饭吃,前两天我也这么拌了给俊宝吃,他很喜欢哦!

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Bhatura(Deep-fried leavened bread)【印度发面油饼】

I made puri not long ago and many of my friends (especially Chinese) told me that it looks like a kind of fried bread in XinJiang, China.

I wouldn't be surprised as Batura might as well be one of the type of food in India, which trace its origin way back to the Arabian/muslim influence!

I personally think Batura actually looks more like the deep fried bread they refer to in China!

Whoever interested can check out my previous post on : Chole Masala & Poori Bhaji



Friday, April 8, 2016

Methi Thepla (Methi Paratha)【葫芦巴叶饼】

Thepla is a type of Gujarathi flat bread, this type we have today is made with fresh fenugreek leaves, whole wheat and chickpea flours along with some spices. It is full of flavors and tastes best with just yoghurt and pickle.  






Thursday, April 7, 2016

Aloo Tikki (Potato Cutlets) 【马铃薯块】

We had a Chaat party over the weekend, our friend Iena helped boiled some potatoes for the Papdi Chaat and left me with two.

Since my husband N has been in the Chaat mood lately, I turned the potatoes into these cutlets, N enjoyed it in the afternoon with a cuppa hot Chai.


派对上用的土豆还剩下两只,我今天就拿来做了这个马铃薯块,下午就着热热的Masala chai吃,很是不错!

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Three-cup chicken 【三杯鸡】

The first time I tried Three-cup chicken was made by a Taiwanese friend. It was a love at first sight! It goes so well with steamed rice and I can't seems to have enough of it!

I planted some Thai basil this summer and made this dish a couple of times!

Original recipe posted on September 2009.



食谱来源 (根据自己口味做了点调整)爱厨网站 -- 

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Mumbai Tawa Pulao 【孟买平底锅炒饭】

This pulao is made in the same Tawa/frying pan that the hawker prepared the world famous snack-- Pav Bhaji in Mumbai, with the same spices/masala. It has the fragrant of Pav Bhaji yet is so much more filling.

I made this for hubby's classmate gathering, it turned out so well and they finished it all!

“Tawa”在印度语里是”平底锅“的意思,所以此款炒饭全名的意思就是平底锅炒饭。它的名字来源是孟买街边小贩在制作有名的小吃“Pav Bhaji”(蔬菜和煎面包)的平底锅上用相同的香料和蔬菜加米饭炒制而成的。它即带有Pav Bhaji的香气,又比小吃更饱肚。渐渐地名气也和Pav Bhaji不相上下了。


Saturday, April 2, 2016

Samosa (Indian Fried Pastry) 【印度咖喱角】

Samosa is a stuffed pastry, a common snack in India, we have a similar version in Malaysia called "curry puff" made in different shape, but tasting as good. Nothing is more enjoyable to have some hot samosa with a cup of tea in a cold, cozy afternoon.

A few friends decided to come over and visit this weekend, I made this samosa for snack, and our friends love it very much!

