Monday, July 31, 2017

Homemade Preserved radish/Chai Poh 自制菜脯

Back home whenever mom/grandma makes porridge/congee, there will definitely be a plate of preserved radish  omelette.

A lot of the preserved radish/Chai poh sold in the market are imported, if you read the label printed on the packaging, the ingredients listed include -- “traces of nitrates”, “E211 (sodium benzoate)”, “E975 (saccharine)” and many other ingredients that I can't even pronounce. It is just making one wonders what is the implication of those chemical stuff and how they make their ways into this traditional treat.

The Radishes sold in the Asian market were really fresh and tasty around end April/May this year, with 29 cents a lbs and plenty of cold/dry air and sunshine.
I can't help but to bring some home to make homemade preserved radish.





Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Braised Long Bean Noodles 豆角/豇豆焖面

I love Flat Bean Braised Noodles and made it many times, it is quick and very nutritious, an easy one pot meal for the family and could be done in under 30 minutes!

I made this favourite dish today using Long bean and carrot, it turned out even better in taste! I will most likely do this more often in future!



Sunday, July 23, 2017

Sugary triangle buns 糖三角

In the old days, when there is extra dough, while making meat/vegetable steamed buns, the housewives will use sugar as the filling. These buns are made into triangle shape to differentiate from the other buns with different kind of fillings.

The kids in the house normally liked the sugar filling buns much more than the meat/veggie ones. I have added some roasted black sesame powder in my fillings, it is much tastier than just sugar and flour!




Monday, July 17, 2017

Chinese Toon Sauce Fried Rice 香椿酱炒饭

I made Chinese Toon Sauce with Chinese Toon young leaves I collected from my friend's backyard not long ago. 

My first use of it was to make this fried rice, the taste is very unique and almost galicky. I like it very much!



Friday, July 14, 2017

Purslane Salad,Chinese Style 凉拌马齿苋

Purslane is a succulent annual trailing plant that grows in many places and it thrives in poor soil. You can find them in almost any places with full sunshine, roadsides, disturbed land and most likely your backyard!

It can be eaten as a cooked vegetable and is great to use in salads, soups, stews or any dish you wish to sprinkle it over. Purslane is antibacterial, antiscorbutic, depurative, diuretic and febrifuge. The leaves are a very rich source of omega-3 fatty acids which prevents heart attacks and strengthens the immune system.

I collected some purslane from the riverside one afternoon when I was strolling around and made this salad for lunch later on.


“马齿苋”是“马苋菜”的同义词。 属于马齿科一年生肉质草本植物,学名“马齿苋”,民间俗称“马蜂菜”,是一种特色野菜。因其生命力极强,又有“长寿菜”之称。



Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Blue Pea Flower Ice Cubes in Milk 蝶豆花冰牛奶

I made Blue Chai and Natural Blue Soda using the butterfly pea flower my mom sent before. I then freeze some of the unsweetened blue chai in a cute dinosaur ice cube box and use it as to serve with some cold milk for my son's play date, it is so cute and beautiful that all kids enjoyed it thoroughly.

前阵子我用娘家给我准备的蝶豆花干做了消暑健康的蓝花/蝶豆花茶 和 梦幻蝶豆花饮料



Sunday, July 9, 2017

How to grow bean sprouts at home 在家自己发豆芽

Mung bean sprout is one very common ingredient for cooking back home. I like to use it in my stir fry noodle/rice noodle dishes. The shop bought bean sprouts are sometimes not fresh and turned bad within days before I could use them.

I started growing my own bean sprouts at home using an old kettle at first. I then progressed to using just a normal bowl with a lid, the lid should be slightly heavy and covers most if not all of the beans.

I have since able to grow very healthy and delicious sprouts at home.




Saturday, July 8, 2017

Chinese Toon Sauce 【香椿酱】

I send my son to a friend's house for a playdate sometimes in the beginning of May and she asked if I want some Chinese Toon (香椿) -- a species of Toona 
where its young leaves are extensively used as a vegetable in China. The young leaves have a floral, yet onion-like flavor. It is widely used as flavoring agent in vegetarian/vegan dishes in China.

I immediately seize the opportunity and harvest a bunch of Chinese Toon from her backyard. I came home and made this Sauce which can then make into many delicious dishes later.

