Saturday, August 18, 2018

Pork Satay 【猪肉沙爹】

A town called Tampin near my parent's house has a small Satay stall that sells pork and chicken satay from midnight to dawn hours. It is a very busy stall even though its hours are not ordinary, it is so busy that sometimes the customers had to grill their own satay to avoid hours of waiting!

I made satay for our Malaysian gathering not long ago, half of them Chicken satay and another half Pork satay, it turned out pretty legit!




Monday, August 13, 2018

Yard Bean Leaves Congee 【豆叶粥】

Two months back a parent from my son's Chinese school gave me a few seedlings ,but he wasn't all too sure what they are. One of them grew well and it turned out to be a yard long bean plant.

As it is not yet producing flowers, it is a good time to consume the leaves, my grandma used to cook us this Yard Bean Leaves Congee when we were young, yard bean leaves are tender and very delicious in soup and congee.



Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Scrambled Egg in Soy Bean Paste【东北鸡蛋酱】

My son and I like to stroll along a nearby river in spring/summer time to collect edible wild plants, dandelion is one wild plant that we collected the most. I liked them in salad, sun-dried as tea leaves, and to dip into this delicious Scrambled egg in soy bean paste.



Thursday, August 2, 2018

Chwee Kueh (Steamed Rice Cake) 【水粿/菜脯粿】

It all started one year ago around this time, the Asian supermarket near my house was having radishes on sales at 10 cents per lb, I had to bring some back and made a batch of Chai Poh/Preserved Radish.

The Chai Poh turned out really well, so earlier in July this year, when the price of radishes in the local market is low again, I made yet another batch of Chai Poh. This time I have better understanding of the timing and the Chai Poh turned out even better than the last batch.

Since I have so many homemade Chai Poh sitting in my pantry now, I can't help but to keep thinking of ways to use them. This Chwee Kueh made it to the top of my list, Chwee Kueh is a snack close to many Malaysian/Singaporean's hearts, a breakfast or teatime choice for many when we were home.

A good Chwee Kueh is full of fragrance of rice, it melts in your mouth with the bits and pieces of Chai Poh toppings giving it the crunchiness and flavors that it needs. The duo compliment each other and their unique taste are there to stay in my memories.

There are a few recipes of Chwee Kueh online, I have tried one of them, and it turned out okay, but in my opinion, does make the real Chwee Kueh. The original Chwee Kueh is made only with ground rice and water, when steamed at high heat, the kueh will form a natural dent in the middle which make a perfect shape to fill and hold the toppings.

Since I wanted nothing but the original taste of Chwee Kueh, I took it to heart to experiment and make the kueh from scratch! I read all the information I could find on the making of this kueh and experimented 5 times before I could come to this recipe of mine.

If you like Chwee Kueh, here is my recipe to share!

事情的起因是这样的,一年前因为超市里的萝卜又大又便宜所以我就买了十磅回家做了一批日晒菜脯/萝卜干 。 因为自己晒的菜脯太香了,今年萝卜盛产的时候我又制作了第二批。既然有了上好的菜脯,我当然就忍不住开始计划各种菜脯美食了。



潮汕人比较纯粹,做的水粿其实只有米和水按一定的比例磨成米浆蒸制而成,成品洁白如玉,入口即化。这款看似简单的小食在制作上却非常不简单,为了做出有古早味的水粿,我一共尝试了五种不同的米水比例才找到了我喜欢的口感。 非常喜欢成品的纯粹和简朴,喜欢水粿的朋友也希望你能尝试做做看哦!