小时候过年过节的时候,我们会做传统的“鸡蛋糕”(Guay Neng Koh)吃,在电动搅拌机并不普及的时代,做蛋糕是一大家子轮班用大大的弹簧大力搅拌而成的。家里祭祀祭祖时,都要做这个鸡蛋糕,用村里人自己养的土鸡生的蛋,做出来的蛋糕分外香甜。
I made Traditional steamed sponge cake/Kuay Neng Koh for the Chinese New Year celebration few days back. The same recipe can also be use to make this "Salted cake", which has minced meat with fried shallot added to the cake as filling, a type of savory cake that also smell heavenly with the shallot added to the mix.
It is an upgraded version of the simple steamed cake, a heritage delicacy that carries in the family for generations, it is very tasty and has the taste of home and my childhood.