Chinese chive pocket is one Chinese dish that loved by all three of us in the house, even my 5 year old is able to finish two pockets at a time, which is pretty rare.
This Northern Chinese delight is a type of pan fried flat dumplings filled with chopped Chinese chive, scrambled eggs and some people likes to add mung bean noodles or Shrimps. We liked ours to be just simple Chinese chive and eggs.
For the wrappers:
2 cups/255 g of all purpose flour
1/2 cup/ 115 ml of hot water
1/4 cup/ 60 ml of room temperature water
A pinch of salt
For the Fillings:
200 g of Chinese Chives
4 eggs, lightly beaten with a pinch of salt and 1/2 tsp of Chinese cooking wine
1 tsp of Roasted sesame oil
1/4 tsp of salt or to taste
A pinch of pepper powder
A pinch of Chicken bouillon powder Optional
2 杯/255 克 中筋面粉
1/2 杯/ 115 克 滚水
1/4 杯/ 60 克 凉水
200 克 韭菜
4 只鸡蛋 加1/2 小勺料酒和一点食盐打散
1 小勺 香油/食油
1/4 小勺 食盐
一撮 胡椒粉
一点 鸡精粉 可无
1. Place flour into a heat proof mixing bowl, add a pinch of salt and mix well. boil some water on the stove, as soon as the water starts to boil, turn it off, measure 1/2 cup and slowly pour the hot water into mixing bowl.
2. Quickly stir the flour with a pair of chopsticks or a silicone spatula until the flour turns into small lumps. Now add the room temperature water and knead the flour to form a soft, smooth dough, cover the dough and leave to rest for 20 mins.
Note: Some people like to make their dough with only hot water, which also called "hot water dough", which gives soft texture to the wrappers. I like mine a little chewy and less sticky to handle, thus I opted for the "semi hot water dough" method, which called for both hot and room temperature water.
1. 把面粉和一点食盐混匀,煮滚水后量出1/2杯慢慢地倒入面粉里,同时用一双筷子或者硅胶勺快速搅拌至面粉成棉絮状。
2. 加入1/4杯的凉水把面和成一个软面团,加盖饧面20分钟。
注: 如果你喜欢比较柔软的面皮,可以完全用滚水和面(也叫“烫面”)。烫面面团比较粘,擀开包盒子的时候比较不好处理。我个人比较喜欢有点嚼劲的面皮,所以用了半烫面的做法。
3. Meanwhile, work on the fillings, heat up about 2 tbsp of oil in a wok and fry the eggs, coarsely chop the scrambled egg either with the help of a metal spatula in the wok or on chopping board, finely chop Chinese chives.
4. Place the scrambled egg in a large mixing bowl, season with some black pepper powder,salt and Chicken bouillon powder.
5. Place chopped Chinese chive in a separate bowl, add sesame oil and mix well to coat oil over chopped chive, this step is to prevent chives from releasing water during the wrapping steps, it also retains crunchiness of the vegetable after frying.
6. Divide the dough into 16 equal portions. Roll each portion into a thin disk about 15cm / 6inch in diameter, I like mind a little oblong in shape, which allows more fillings to be stuffed.
7. Place filling in the middle of the dough, bring the top half of the circle down and fold to make a semi-circle pocket, pinch or pleat the edges to seal.
8. Heat a frying pan or wok over medium heat, add a little oil to it. Place few pockets at a time in then cover with a lid. Flip over when the first side becomes golden brown. Cook until both sides turns golden brown. Serve hot with some soup or Chili sauce.
3. 饧面的同时准备韭菜馅,锅里热上两大勺油炒鸡蛋,一边炒一边用铲子把鸡蛋在锅里铲碎。
4. 把炒好的鸡蛋盛出放到一口大碗里,加入胡椒粉、盐和鸡精粉拌匀。
5. 把切碎的韭菜放到另外一口大碗里拌入香油,尽量让韭菜都裹上薄薄的油,这样包的时候韭菜就不会出水了。记得开包之前才把韭菜和鸡蛋混和哦!
6. 把面团分成16个等份,擀开成1毫米厚的面皮,把两大勺左右的韭菜馅放置在中间,对折成半月型状后把边压实或捏成花状。
8. 锅里下一点点的油,中火热锅后把几个盒子入锅加盖煎。翻面煎至两面金黄即可出锅。
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