Monday, February 27, 2012

【木耳香菇蒸土鸡】Steamed Kampung Chicken with Woodear and Mushroom

我娘家附近很多小村落的居民会放养很多的土鸡(Ayam Kampung),然后拿到镇里卖。我每次回乡爸妈都会买些给我吃。土鸡肉质爽口,炖汤,清蒸都很香,拿来做这道木耳香菇蒸土鸡非常精爽好吃。

Back In Malaysia, many of the villagers will raise free range chicken(Ayam Kampung)naturally  and sell in a small town for some cash. I love the texture and taste of these chicken, and often use it for soup or steamed dishes.

This time when I came home, my parents bought some of these chicken, and here is one of the dishes I made out of it...simply delicious!

1/2 只土鸡 (切块)
5-6 朵 香菇 (泡开去脚切半)
3-4 朵 木耳 (泡开去蒂,掰开成小片)
1 大勺 姜丝
2 根 青葱
3 大勺 米酒
1 大勺 酱油
1 大勺 蚝油
 1 小勺 盐
1/2 小勺 糖
1 小勺 芡粉
3-4 大勺 水


1/2 Kampung Chicken(Cut into pieces)
5-6 dried mushroom (soaked, remove stem and cut into half)
3-4 Black woodear (soaked, remove stem and break into 1 inch in size)
1 tbsp shredded ginger
2 stalk of spring onion

3 tbsp Rice Wine
1 tbsp Light Soy Sauce
1 tbsp Oyster Sauce
1/2 tsp Sugar
1/2 tsp Salt
1 tsp Corn Starch
3-4 tbsp Water

few drops of sesame oil


2. 把腌好的鸡肉块木耳和香菇摆到一个比较深的碗里。撒上姜丝。把青葱打个结摆在上头。

3. 入锅蒸75分钟或至鸡肉蒸软为止。吃之前把青葱挑出来,滴上香油就可以了。

1. Cleaned and cut all ingredients, and marinates with all seasoning for 20 minutes。

2. Place all the ingredients in a deep bowl, sprinkle shredded ginger over chicken pieces, tie spring onion into a knot, lightly place on top of chicken.

3. Steam for one hour or until chicken becomes tender.

4. Remove spring onion and add sesame oil before serving.

中文版,For Chinese,Click  --

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