Saturday, September 30, 2017

Teochew Mooncake (With Yam and Pumpkin Fillings) 【潮州芋头南瓜月饼】

With Mid-autumn festival just around the corner, it is the time of the year again to enjoy the mid-autumn delicacy Mooncake. 

I made the cute piggy mooncake using the Cantonese mooncake recipe before. This year I decided to try something different and go all the way traditional to make this very old fashion Teochew "Orh-Nee" Mooncake. 

With pumpkin in the season, I even substitute the egg yolk with pumpkin paste filling, which to my great surprise, turned out to be super tasty and looks almost identical to egg yolk!A delightful surprise indeed!




Ingredients:(Makes 16 mooncakes)

Yam/Taro Filling:
500 g Peeled Taro/Yam
 80 g/1 medium size of Purple Yam/Sweet potato
180 g of Sugar
90 g of Homemade lard
few drops of lime/lemon juice

Pumpkin Filling:
700 g of Kabocha pumpkin (Seeds removed)
 50 g of Sugar
 30 g of Homemade lard
 15 g/2 tbsp of All purpose flour

Water dough:
260 g All purpose flour
 50 g of Fine sugar
 90 g of Homemade lard
100 g of Water

Oil dough:
210 g of Cake flour
90 g of Homemade lard

材料:(可做 16 只月饼)

500 克 去皮芋头
 80 克/1 小 只 紫薯
180 克 糖
90 克 猪油
几滴 青柠或柠檬汁

700 克 带皮日本南瓜(去种子)
 50 克 糖
 30 克 猪油
 15 克/2 大勺 中筋面粉

260 克 中筋面粉
 50 克 幼糖
 90 克 猪油
100 克 水

210 克 低筋面粉
90 克 猪油

1. Cut Taro/yam into pieces and steam it with purple yam for 45-60 minutes or until soft. Peel the purple yam's skin and place the cooked yams in a stand mixer or food processor.

2. Mash the yams into a paste using stand mixer or food processor, add sugar and lard and continue to mash until the mixture is smooth.

3. Place the mixture in a cooking pan and cook at medium heat, stir continuously to prevent sticking to the bottom of the pan. Cook until the mixture form a soft dough. Let cool and divide the paste into 16 equal parts, around 40 g each.

1. 把芋头切块和紫薯一起蒸45-60分钟或至软。紫薯去皮后和芋头一起摆到厨师机/搅拌机里。

2. 加几滴柠檬/青柠汁后,用厨师机/搅拌机把芋头和紫薯压/拌成泥,加入猪油和糖拌匀。

3. 把拌好的芋泥倒入锅里,中火不断翻炒至成团。冷却后分成16个等份,每个差不多 40克。

4. Cut Kambocha pumpkin into pieces and steam for 45-60 minutes until soft, scrape out the tender flesh using a metal spoon, discard the skin.

5. Place the cooked pumpkin, sugar, lard and 2 tbsp of all purpose flour in a bread machine and run the Jam function to a full cycle. You can also do this by mashing and cooking the paste on stove top. I let my bread machine take care of the pumpkin while I worked on the Taro.

6. Take the pumpkin paste out once the Jam cycle is done and the paste turn into a soft dough, if it is still runny, run the cycle once more until the desired consistency reached.

7. Let the pumpkin paste cooled and divide into 16 equal parts, around 18-20 g each. Roll each portion into a small ball and refrigerate for 20 minutes.

4. 把南瓜切大块入锅蒸软,大约45-60分钟。把瓜肉挖出,皮丢弃不用。

5. 把南瓜肉、糖、猪油和两大勺的中筋面粉一起摆到面包机里,启动果酱程序开始炒制。你也可以在炉头上炒制这个南瓜馅,做法和芋头馅一样。我因为一边已经在炒制芋头馅,所以南瓜就交给面包机去负责了。

6. 果酱程序完成后,如果南瓜馅已经可以成团,就取出冷却即可。如果南瓜馅还是稀稀的不成形,可以再走一遍果酱程序。

7. 做好的馅冷却后分成16等份,每份大约18-20克,搓成丸子。入冰箱冷藏室冷藏20分钟。

8. Take one portion of taro filling and lightly press with thumb to form a small bowl like shape, place one pumpkin ball in it and wrap up to form a larger ball. Repeat the steps for all the fillings. Refrigerate for 20 minutes before use.

8. 取一份芋头馅用拇指压成窝窝状,塞入一只南瓜丸,捏起成球状就是内馅了。重复此步骤把所有馅料处理好。

9. To make the water dough, combine all purpose flour, lard, sugar and water to form a soft dough. Let it rest for 15 minutes before kneading again to form a smooth dough. Rest the dough for 15 more minutes before dividing it into 8 equal parts, 62 g each.

10. To make the oil dough, combine cake flour and lard by slowly pressing and mixing the two using hands to form a dough. Divide the dough into 8 equal parts, 38 g each.

11. Take one portion of water dough and with the help of rolling pin, roll it out to form a disc around 4 inches in diameter. Place one portion of oil dough in it and wrap up, pinch to seal edges and roll it into a larger ball. Repeat the steps for all the dough. Let the dough rest for 15 minutes.

9. 把中筋面粉、猪油、糖和水和在一起成一个软面团,饧面15分钟后揉成一个光滑的面团稍微饧面后即可分割成8个等份,每份62克。

10. 把猪油和低筋面粉用手指头慢慢捏成一个面团。分成8个等份,每份38克。

11. 取一份水皮擀开,取一份油酥摆在中间,包起搓成球状。重复把所有的水皮和油酥包好。松弛15分钟。

12. Take one portion of the dough, with the sealed side facing up, roll it into oval shape using a rolling pin. Roll it up tightly like a Swiss roll to form a cylinder. Turn the roll 90 degrees with the end facing up. Repeat these steps for all the dough portions and let the rolls rest for another 15 minutes.

13. Take one roll with the end side facing up, roll into a long thin strips with the help of rolling pin. Roll it up again like a Swiss roll to form a shorter but thicker cylinder. Repeat the steps for all the rolls.

12. 取一份面团,封口朝上擀开成牛舌状。由下往上卷起成圆柱状。重复把所有面团都处理好。盖上盖子,松弛15分钟。

13. 取一份松弛好的小面团打直,再次擀开成长条状,卷起。依次把所有面团处理好。

14. Cut the roll into half using a sharp knife, with the incision part facing down. Flatten the half dough to form a round disc, place a taro pumpkin ball on it and wrap up, pinch to seal and make into a round ball.  Repeat the steps for all the remaining ingredients. Let the pastry rest for 10 minutes.

15. Heat up 5 inches of oil in a deep fryer, with the help of a strainer/stainless steel slotted spoon, place the pastry in oil and fry on medium heat until golden in color. Fry the pastry one at a time to have best results.

14. 取一只松弛好的面团,用锋利的刀从中间切开一分为二。切口向下,用手掌压扁后用擀面杖擀圆。取一只南瓜芋泥球摆中间,面皮包起收口。把所有的面团和馅料依次包好。松弛10分钟。

15. 一口小锅里热上5寸左右的油,取一个漏勺把月饼摆在上头,入油锅中火炸酥,成金黄色即可。这款月饼最好一只一只分开炸,多了效果怕要不好。

Note: Allow the pastry to cool before placing into container, this mooncake is best consumed within 24 hours when the crust is still crispy.



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