Tuesday, October 18, 2011

【太平面】Tai Ping Mian (Birthday Misua with hard boiled eggs)




Mum used to make a big bowl of Mee Sua soup (Fujianese thin noodle) for my brothers and I on our birthdays. As it was specially prepared for the birthday boy/girl, it became all the more precious and tasty.

It is my birthday today,  mum told me on the phone to make a bowl of this noodle soup for myself since she is not here with me.


1 把 厦门面线

2 只 水煮蛋

1 块鸡肉/猪肉 (切片,加上盐,料酒和一点胡椒面腌20分钟,然后加入一点点粟米粉拌匀)

4-5 朵 香菇 (泡开)

1/2 小勺 姜蒜蓉

1/2 小勺 葱花

1/2 小勺 葱油

1 碗 高汤



盐 或 鱼露 适量

麻油 几滴

1 bunch of Xiamen Mee Sia (Xia Men Thin Noodle)
2 hard boiled eggs
1 piece/ 100 gm of chicken breast/pork loin (Slice thinly and marinate with salt, Chinese cooking wine and a pinch of pepper for about 20 minutes, blend with 1/2 tsp of corn starch before cooking.)
4-5 Dried mushroom (Soaked and slice) I used fresh mushroom
1/2 tsp ginger garlic paste
1/2 tsp Chopped spring onion
1/2 tsp Fried Shallot and oil
1 Bowl of Chicken or any kind of stock

Salt or fish sauce to taste

1. 示范一下少量制作葱油的好办法:两个小红葱切片,加入1小勺食油混匀,放到微波炉里转1分钟,拿出拌拌,入微波炉再转1分钟,取出拌拌,最后入微波炉转45秒。简易葱油就好啦!

2. 先把高汤煮滚,加一点点盐或者鱼露调味。

3. 锅里热上1大匙油,加入姜蒜蓉爆香,把香菇和肉炒熟。我家里刚巧没有了香菇,就用了鲜菇。

4. 另外一口锅子里煮滚水,把面线烫烫,捞起摆到碗里。把鸡肉香菇和鸡蛋摆到面上,注入高汤。加点葱油和葱酥。


1. Here is my 2 cents on making fried shallot and oil in small quantity. Slice two shallots into thin slices, mix with 1 tsp oil, microwave it for 1 minute, take it out, briefly mix it with a spoon, repeat the same process twice until shallot become golden brown and fragrant.

2. My microwave needs a total of 2 minutes 45 seconds to get a perfect golden brown fried shallot. You ay want to check a few times to find the best duration on yours.

3. In a heavy bottom cookware, bring stock to boil, season with salt or fish sauce, keep it boiling.

4. In a wok/pan, add about 2 tsp oil, stir in ginger garlic paste, when fragrant, add marinated chicken and mushroom, cook for 3-5 minutes or until cooked.

5. Bring a pot of water to boil, cook the Mee Sua (Noodle) briefly, place it on a bowl.

6. Place chicken and mushroom over noodle. Pour in piping hot stock. Garnish with Fried shallot and oil and chopped spring onion.

I wish for world peace and everyone's health and safety!

中文版,For Chinese,Click --》生日吃面,太平面


  1. 在你家潜水好久了,祝你生日快樂!


  2. Happy Bithday to you!! My mom too will cook this mee sua for us on our birthday. Is the Hokkien thing. She will put one hard boiled duck egg and one chicken egg :)

  3. Lemontea,欢迎欢迎。。。我懒得出去买办,就家里有什么就吃什么了。。呵呵,也祝你生日快乐喔!

  4. Icook4Fun,long time no see!! yes... normally duck egg... but here in USA... hard to find duck, let alone eggs... :)

  5. 欢迎到女儿城 www.ladiestown.net 发贴。你的贴子都很棒。

  6. [̲̅̅H̲̅][̲̅̅A̲̅][̲̅̅P̲̅][̲̅̅P̲̅][̲̅̅Y̲̅] [̲̅̅B̲̅][̲̅̅I̲̅][̲̅̅R̲̅][̲̅̅T̲̅][̲̅̅H̲̅][̲̅̅D̲̅][̲̅̅A̲̅][̲̅̅Y̲̅]
