Thursday, October 5, 2017

Edamame in Rice Wine Brine 糟毛豆

I planted about 10 soy plants around summer and they all thrived and gave a pretty good yield of green beans, which is also the snack edamame that we normally have at Japanese restaurants.

I prepared the first 2 batches of my edamame with spices --> this way.

For the third batch, I wanted something different and marinated the cooked beans with Shanghainese wine brine, it infuses unique wine flavor to the beans and is such a good snack to go with a glass of cold drink!



200-250 g Fresh Edamame (Frozen ones work too)
1 cup of Shanghainese wine brine (糟卤)

200-250克 新鲜毛豆 (冷冻的也可以)

1. Clean and rinse the edamame, I will also cut the stems for better penetration of flavor of wine while marinating.

2. Boil the beans for 6 minutes in boiling water until cooked. Add 1-2 minutes if you like softer beans.

3. Drain and immerse the beans in Shanghainese wine brine, let the bean marinate for 3-4 hours and serve cold. 

I like my edamame less in sodium so I added 1/2 cup of water to the wine brine marinade. 

1. 把毛豆洗净减去蒂头,煮滚半锅水,把毛豆加入煮6-7分钟。

2. 把1杯糟卤兑上1/2杯的饮用水,口比较重的可以不必兑水,直接用一杯半的糟卤。

3. 把毛豆泡到糟卤里3-4小时即可食用。


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