For the Chicken:
1 Free-range chicken
1 Large piece of ginger root
2 Scallions
1 tsp of Salt
Few drops of Sesame oil
For the rice:
4-5 Shallots
7-8 cloves of garlic
3 cups of Thai Jasmine Rice
2-3 pieces of Pandan Leaves
1 piece of ginger
2-3 tbsp Chicken oil
5-5.5 cups of Chicken stock from cooking of chicken
Ginger dipping sauce:
1 large piece of ginger
1 tbsp Scallion (Grated)
1/4 tsp of salt
a little ajinomoto optional
1/4 cup of hot oil
Hainanese Chicken Rice:
8-9 Red Chili
3-4 Cloves of garlic
Small piece of Ginger Optional
3 tbsp of Calamansi juice/Lemon Juice
1/2 tsp Salt
2 tsp Sugar
1 tbsp of Hot oil
For the soup:
1 bunch of Napa Cabbage
Salt to taste
a little pepper powder
1 Cucumber sliced
1 small bunch of Cilantro
1 只 菜园鸡/三黄鸡
1 大块 姜
两根 葱
1 小勺 食盐
几滴 麻油
7-8 瓣 蒜
3 杯 泰国香米
一块 老姜
2-3 大勺 鸡油
适量 鸡汤
3-4 大勺 姜蓉
1 大勺 葱 (磨碎)
1/4 小勺盐
1/4 杯热油
8-9 只 新鲜红辣椒
3-4 瓣 蒜瓣
一小段 姜
3 大勺 酸柑汁/柠檬汁
1/2 小勺 食盐
2 小勺 糖
1 大勺 热油
适量 食盐
一根 黄瓜 切片备用
一小把 香菜 点缀
1. Clean the chicken thoroughly, take a small piece of ginger root, around thumb size and ground it into paste. Add 1 tsp of salt to the ginger paste and rub the paste with salt into and around the chicken, marinate for 15-20 minutes.
2. Meanwhile, insert scallion and sliced ginger into the chicken's cavity.
3. Heat up about 2/3 pots of water to rolling boil, turn the stove off and place the marinated chicken into the pot, submerge chicken in the water, cover with lid and wait for 25-30 minutes. (Adjust the time according to the size of chicken).
4. Take the chicken out and give it a quick ice bath, around 5-6 minutes to stop the cooking process. This step also gives the chicken the signature crunchy skin.
5. Take the chicken out from ice bath and drained, spread about 1/2 tsp of sesame oil over chicken and set aside. Cut the chicken into pieces and serve with a little soy sauce and the dipping sauces.
6. Save the broth to cook rice and soup, save 5 cups of broth and 2-3 tbsp of chicken oil floating on surface for rice, remaining broth can be use to make Chinese napa cabbage soup with chicken feets, neck and innards that don't served with rice, just boil the napa cabbage with the ingredients listed above and season with little salt and pepper.
1. 把鸡洗净,小半块姜磨成茸加上食盐抹在滴干水份的鸡只上,包括鸡的内腔也要抹匀。
2. 把剩下的姜切片,葱段切成2-3 寸长,把姜葱塞到鸡腔里,让鸡只腌制15-20分钟。
3. 在一口深锅里加2/3锅的水,大火煮滚至大滚后熄火。把腌制好的鸡放到滚水里,尽量确保鸡只完全泡到滚水里。加盖焖25-30分钟(视鸡只大小而定)。
4. 30分钟后把鸡只取出泡到冰水里十分钟,这样做出来的鸡肉鸡皮很紧致爽口。
5. 取出鸡肉滴干水份把胸腔内的姜葱取出在鸡皮上均匀地抹上香油/麻油。稍等几分钟后把鸡切块摆盘即可,喜欢的话可以淋上一点酱油。
6. 刚刚煮鸡的汤留着取五杯加上层的鸡油做米饭用,剩下的可以和鸡爪、鸡内脏和鸡颈等等加大白菜熬制成白菜汤,加盐调味即可。
7. To prepare the rice, mince shallot and garlic, heat about 2-3 tbsp of chicken oil (from the blanching of chicken) you can add 1 tbsp of butter to make the rice creamier, add the minced shallot and garlic and fry until fragrant.
8. Wash and drain the jasmine rice and place it in the frying pan/wok to stir fry until the rice become a little transparent, season with salt.
9. Place the rice with garlic and shallot into a rice cooker, add about 5 cups of stock from the blanching of chicken, add a few slices of ginger and pandan/screw-pine leaves, cook the rice as per the cooker manufacturer's instruction.
10. To make the ginger scallion dipping sauce, ground a small piece of ginger root into a paste, minced the green part of scallions, place the ground ginger, minced scallions, salt and little MSG/Ajinomoto if you like in a heat resistant bowl.
11. Heat about 1/4 cup of oil in a small saucepan, add the hot oil to the ginger scallion paste, mix well and keep aside.
12. To make the Hainanese chicken rice chili paste, blend together fresh red chilies, garlic, ginger, calamansi/lemon/lime juice, salt and sugar to form a paste. place the paste in a heat resistant bowl, Heat about 1/4 cup of oil in a small saucepan, add the hot oil to the chili paste, mix well and keep aside.(Note: I like making this chili sauce one day before, it allows the calamansi/lime juice to pickle the chili and garlic, taste so much better.)
13. When the rice is ready, remove the ginger and pandan leaves in it, turn well. Serve the rice with chicken, some cucumber and some cilantro if you like. Dip the chicken in either of the sauce to eat.
7. 把红葱头和蒜切碎,锅里加入2-3大勺鸡油(如果希望更香一些可以再加一大勺的黄油)把红葱头和蒜碎炒香。
8. 把香米洗净沥干水份后倒入锅里和葱酥蒜酥一起炒至水份干透米粒有点透明加盐调味。
9. 把炒好的米放到电饭煲里,加入5杯的鸡汤、几片拍扁的姜和香兰叶,加盖按电饭煲程序把米饭焖好。
10. 制作姜蓉沾酱,把姜磨成茸,加入磨碎的青葱和食盐拌匀,如果喜欢用味精可以稍微加一点拌匀,一口效果里热上1/4小杯油,泼到姜葱上拌匀备用。
11. 制作海南鸡饭辣椒酱,把新鲜红辣椒、蒜瓣、姜、酸柑汁/柠檬汁、食盐和糖用搅拌机搅成糊状,然后装到一个碗里,泼上一小勺热油拌匀即可。(注:这款辣椒可以提前一晚上做,味道更香。)
12. 煮好的米饭拌匀把香兰叶和姜块取出不用,把饭盛出,摆上鸡块、黄瓜和一点香菜点缀即可开吃。
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