These cute buns were made the day before CNY with the thought of sending them to some friends to wish them a prosperous and happy Chinese New Year.
The final product came out slightly different than I initially planned, better, I would like to think...
DS loves the buns so much that he requested to have one at breakfast on the CNY day.
面团: (可做8只萌虎)
150 克 中筋面粉
100 克 南瓜泥 (南瓜削皮切块蒸熟压成泥)
1/2小勺 糖
1/2 小勺 酵母
1/2 小勺 食油
50 克 中筋面团
10 克 温水
一点点 红色素/红曲粉
50 克 中筋面团
10 克 温水
1/8 小勺 竹炭粉
Ingredients:(For 8 Buns)
For Yellow dough:
150 g of all purpose flour
100 g of pumpkin paste
1/2 tsp of sugar
1/2 tsp of yeast
1/2 tsp of oil
For Red dough:
50 g of all purpose flour
10 g of warm water
a little sugar
a little bit of yeast (about 1/8 tsp)
a little oil
a few drops of red food grade coloring
For White dough:
50 g of all purpose flour
10 g of warm water
a little sugar
a little bit of yeast (about 1/8 tsp)
a little oil
a few drops of red food grade coloring or red yeast rice powder
For Black dough:
A small part of white dough
1/4 tsp of Charcoal powder or black coloring
1.Peel and cubed pumpkin and steamed until soft, mash the pumpkin using a potato masher to make pumpkin paste.
2. Weigh 100 g of the paste out and wait until the paste is cool enough to touch, add sugar, yeast, oil and flour and knead to form a dough. The dough should be firm, elastic and smooth on the surface.
4. Repeat the same steps for white dough, and take about 1/2 fist size of white dough and knead with charcoal powder to make a small black dough.
6. Take the doughs out and sprinkle some flour on the counter top, knead the dough/s for another 3-5 minutes individually.
7. Take one part of the yellow dough and roll it into a ball, the size of a baby fist, place it on a piece of parchment paper as the tiger head.
8. Take 2 small parts of yellow dough, roll it into a ball and press to become a tiny disk, repeat for white dough, this time slightly smaller than the yellow one. Place the white disk over yellow dish, cut into half and place evenly over the yellow ball to make ears, with the help of the tip of chopsticks or bamboo stick, lightly press in the middle of each ear to make indentations.
9. Take two small parts of white dough to make the cheeks, roll into small balls, press into disks, stick evenly to each side of the face, with the help of a toothpick, pricks a few times to make impressions.
10. Make the nose and tongue with red dough, make a small red ball and place over the cheeks as the nose. Another slightly larger ball will be press into an oblong shape, with the help of a tool or tip of a chopstick, stick it under and between the cheeks to make the tongue.
11. Take a piece of yellow dough, cut in half and roll into awl shape, tuck it under the head to make paws.
12. To make the Chinese ingot, make two small yellow balls, take one and press into a disk, cut into half, and place one halve each side of the other ball. Place the ingot between paws.
5. 把发好的面团取出撒点面粉一一揉出空气,揉光滑,盖上干净的布。
6. 取一小团黄色面团揉成圆型放到油纸上做虎头。
7. 取一小小团黄色面团,一小小团白色面团,白的小一点,揉圆压扁切半,把白色的摆到黄色面片上,贴到虎头左右两侧,用个日式筷子尖或工具压一下中间做出耳朵的造型。
8. 取两个红色小面团,一大一小,小的揉圆做鼻子,大的揉圆压扁成舌头状做舌头。再取两个小白面团揉圆压成片状,做腮边。先把腮边贴到脸上,用牙签刺上几个小孔做成腮的样子。把鼻子贴到腮上端。舌头用工具或筷子尖压一下塞到两腮的中间。
9. 取个小面团揉成锥子形,切半,塞到虎头两端做虎爪。
10. 取两个小黄面团做元宝,都揉圆取其中一个压扁切半贴到另一个圆球两端即可。把元宝摆到虎爪之间。
13. Finally, use the black dough to make eyes and tiny strips to decorate the tiger as whiskers and stripes.
14. Let the buns rest for about 15-20 mins, when you lift one of them and feel it is getting a little light and airy, steam the buns for 12 minutes. Let cool before storing.
11. 剩下的就是用黑色面团做出眼睛和细条纹装饰虎纹了。
12. 做好的猛虎馒头静置二次发酵15-20分钟,拿起来有点轻飘飘的感觉即可入蒸笼蒸十二分钟。熄火后等三分钟再开盖查看,避免回缩。
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