必须要说的是爱尔兰草饲牛油(Grass fed Butter)做糕点真是太香了!成品入口即化,做了一大罐的黄梨饼也是一下子就被消灭掉了!
Pineapple tart is not only my favorite Chinese New Year Cookie, it is also something I will bring home from the Asian market whenever I sees one. The pineapple tart I find in the Asian Market here are mostly imported from Taiwan, though it is very tasty on its own, it is not entirely the same as the one we have back home.
I brought two boxes of the Taiwanese Pineapple Tarts at the beginning of Shelter in Place Order, it was long gone since and DS has been asking for replenishment for weeks. Since I have not been shopping much at The Asian Supermarket lately to reduce the frequency of going into a public place. I decided to make the Malaysian Pineapple Tarts with the fresh pineapples I bought from Walmart online delivery.
I have to say that using Grass-fed butter to make these tarts was the best decision I have made, the tart crust turned out so good that it melts in the mouth in every bites!
2 颗 黄梨
1 段 桂皮
1 小勺 柠檬汁
1 大勺 牛油/Butter
3-4 颗 丁香 (可无)
120-150克 冰糖/白糖
225 克 无盐草饲牛油 (Grass fed Butter)
350 克 低筋面粉 (Cake Flour)
40 克糖粉
30 克 蛋黄粉
1/4 小勺 食盐
1 只 蛋黄
1/2 只 蛋黄加一点水 (刷面用)
Ingredients: (Makes around 50 pieces of tarts)
For the fillings:
2 Pineapple
1 Cinnamon stick
1 teaspoon of lemon juice
1 tablespoon of Butter
3-4 Cloves (optional)
120-150 g of Rock sugar/white sugar
For the Crust:
225 g / 1 bar of unsalted grass-fed butter
350 g low-gluten flour (cake flour)
40 g of powdered sugar
30 g Custard powder
1/4 tsp of Salt
1 egg yolk
Plus 1/2 egg yolk mixed with a little water (for egg wash)
2. 把黄梨块放到料理机里不加水搅拌成糊状,可以不必打得太细致,有点粗纤维口感更好。
3. 把搅拌好的黄梨和桂皮、丁香一起入锅中火先煮至水份减半时加入冰糖和黄油,间中记得搅拌几次避免糊底。当黄梨糊变得厚重,颜色开始加深时,取出桂皮和丁香后中小火炒制至馅料成团有点硬即可熄火。
注: 黄梨馅的甜度可按个人喜好调整,炒制的时候最好用搪瓷或钢锅,铁锅不适合用来制作酸性食品。
5. 制作黄梨饼前取400-450克馅料分成8-10克一份,揉成椭圆型或丸子型。
1. Remove the head and skin of pineapple, remove the "eyes" of pineapple using sharp knife before cutting into pieces.
2. Place the pineapple pieces in a blender and blend without adding water into a paste, it doesn't have to be too fine.
3. Place the pineapple paste together with the cinnamon stick and cloves into a heavy bottom pot, cook on medium high for about 30 minutes to reduce the liquid to half, add the butter and rock sugar. Now reduce the heat to medium low and start stirring occasionally to prevent sticking to bottom.
4. When the pineapple paste started solidify and slowly forming into a big lump, remove and discard the cinnamon stick and cloves, turn the stove off and let cooled.
Note:Cooking time will vary based on the water content of the pineapple you bought, it took me around 2-2.5 hours to make the fillings.
5. Once the filling is completely cooled, stored it in airtight container or zip-lock bag and refrigerate.
Note: You can adjust the sweetness of the pineapple filling by adding or reducing sugar.
6. Before the start of the making of pineapple tarts, divide the filling into 8-10 g each, roll into oval or round shapes.
6.牛油/Butter 室温软化后和糖粉一起用电动打蛋器打至蓬发,加入蛋黄继续打匀。
7. 把低筋面粉、食盐和蛋黄粉过筛后加到打发的黄油里用勺子拌匀成棉絮状。这个时候面团有点黏手是正常的。
8. 把面团取出稍微整型后包上保鲜纸放到冰箱冷藏至少1个小时再操作,天热的话可以分两三批从冰箱取出制作, 把面团分割成12克一个的小面团。
7. Leave the butter at room temperature until soft enough to work with, place the butter and powdered sugar in a mixing bowl, beat the butter and powdered sugar with electric hand mixer until fluffy and light, add 1 egg yolk and continue mixing for 1 minute.
8. Sieve cake flour, salt and custard powder together, add the flour mixture to the mixing bowl and mix using a spatula. The dough will now be a little sticky, which is normal.
9. Gently fold the dough into a bar/round shape, wrap it up using cling or parchment paper, refrigerate the dough for at least one hour to solidify it.
10. After one hour, divide the dough into 12 g each, roll into round shapes.
10. After one hour, divide the dough into 12 g each, roll into round shapes.
9. 全黄油制作的面团对环境温度要求比较高,所以制作时尽量保持面团为冷却都状态,如果夏天温度太高可以在手边放一盆冰水,泡泡手再制作饼坯,避免手温过高面团变黏。记得带上一个干净毛巾擦拭水份哦!
10. 取一只面团压扁,把一只黄梨馅放到中间,包起粘合揉匀。可按喜好做成圆形或者椭圆型。如果面团感觉黏手的话,可以轻轻薄薄地沾一层低筋面粉再揉圆。
11. 把饼都做好摆到烤盘上后用饼干模或叉子轻轻地在表面压出自己喜欢的花纹。
12. 轻轻地刷上一层蛋黄液,入烤箱300F(150C)烤制18-20分钟至表面金黄即可(可按烤箱性能调整时间)。
11. Crust dough made with pure butter is a little sensitive to temperature, try working in a cool, dry place to prevent melting of the dough. If the temperature at your area is too high, you may want to divide the dough into few smaller portions and work on one at a time while the rest chilled in the refrigerator. Keeping a bowl of ice water next to you to cool the hands is also a way to prevent stickiness of the dough while wrapping, just make sure you also have a towel to dry your hands!
12. Take a crust dough and flattened it lightly using palms, place a filling in the middle and wrapped it up, use the palms to round the pastry up and shape it into either round or oval in shape. If the dough is really too sticky to work with, you can gently dust the dough with a very thin layer of cake flour or corn starch before rolling.
13. Repeat the steps to make all the tarts, make imprint patterns on top of the tarts using a fork (criss-cross) or cookie cutter.
14. Lightly brush a layer of egg wash on the tarts. Preheat the oven to 300F(150C)and bake the tarts for 18-20 minutes until golden in color.
Note:The tarts freshly out of the oven will be very crumbly, try not to move or touch the tarts until it is completely cooled/set.
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