Tuesday, March 1, 2022

【荷叶包】附刈包食谱 Lotus Leaf Buns and Kuah Pau

前几天做了一锅控肉/炕肉, 家里有控肉怎么可以不做刈包呢?于是趁把孩子送上校车后还有三个小时才上班开会的空挡,我做了几个荷叶包。


One thing leads to another, when you have the Kong Bah at home, you need to make lotus leaf buns~~


/ 400  高筋面粉/中筋面粉 (我用了 Organic Unbleached flour

 (一包)快速酵母 Active Dry Yeast)

大勺/65  细砂糖

小勺 泡打粉 Baking Powder)


大勺 食油/猪油


几块  控肉/炕肉 (做刈包之前沾一点酱汁)
大约半碗 酸菜 
1/2 杯 烤花生 
1 大勺 砂糖


3 cup/ 400 g All purpose flour

1 tsp/ 5 g  Active Dry Yeast

4 tbsp /65 g sugar

1 tsp Baking Powder

1 cup   luke warm water 

1 tbsp lard/cooking oil

For Kuah Pau:
1/2 cup of roasted peanuts
1 tbsp of sugar

1. 把列在面团下边的所有材料(除了泡打粉)混合均匀,揉成一个软面团。这个工作我就交给我家的面包机了。

2. 加盖放温暖处发酵成两倍大(冬天需要大约45分钟),把泡打粉均匀地撒到面团上再揉5分钟至光滑。记得要把面团里的空气都揉出来噢!这样做出来的荷叶包才会光滑。

3. 把面团分成12个等份,揉圆后静置十分钟松弛。

4. 取一个面团,擀开成牛舌状,稍微抹上一点食油,对折。

5. 取一个新的干净的梳子,在面团上压出八条痕。在底部抓捏一下做叶柄部分。


7. 依次按步骤把荷叶包坯都做好,摆好等包坯发酵成大约两倍大,表面看起来有点光滑。这个不能看时间,要看状态,发面时间按室温和湿度而定。

1. Place all ingredients listed under dough (besides baking powder) in a bread machine or kitchenaid machine , knead to form a soft dough.

2. Cover and let the dough rise to double its size, takes about 45 minutes in winter. Sprinkled baking powder to the dough and knead for five more minutes, you can use the machine or hand knead the dough. 

3. Divide the dough into 12 equal parts, roll into small balls, rest for 10 minutes.

4. Take one part and roll it out into oblong in shape, brush a thin layer of cooking, fold the dough to form a semicircle.

5. Use a clean/new comb to press on the dough to form leaf prints. Squeeze a small part in the middle at the bottom to form the petiole.

6. With the help of a scraper and press vertically following the comb prints, how we have got ourselves a beautiful lotus leaf!

7. Repeat steps to make all the remaining buns, place in warm place to rise to about double its size. Time it takes may vary depending on the room temperature and humidity of the climate.

8. 发好的面入蒸笼大火上汽后蒸12分钟,稍微等个3分钟再开盖取出。

9. 把烤好的花生碾碎加上砂糖拌匀。取一个荷叶包,夹上控肉/炕肉、一点酸菜、一勺花生糖碎和两根香菜。好吃的刈包就做好啦!

8. Place the risen dough into a steamer and steam at high for 12 minutes, wait for around 3 minutes before removing from the steamer when it is done.

9. Crushed roasted peanuts and add sugar to it. Take a steamed bun, place a piece of Kong Bah, some Pickled mustard1 tbsp of crushed peanuts and sugar. The tasty Kuah Pau is ready to serve!

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