Saturday, June 23, 2018

Hakka Ban Zong 【客家粄粽/粿粽】

The Hakka Clan is known for their kueh made of glutinous rice/flour and several types of fillings called "Ban". The one stuffed with vegetable is called 'Choi Ban', Choi means vegetable and Ban means cake or kueh in Hakka language. 

As the Hakka is known to make Ban in almost all their celebrations and festivals, it is not surprising that they also celebrate Duan Wu/ Dragon Boat festival with a dumpling version of Ban, called "Ban Zong" or "Kueh Zhang" in Hakka language. It is basically 'Choi Ban' wrapped in dumpling leaves and shaped like a dumpling. A very unique way to enjoy Ban, and dumplings at the same time! 

Note: I have earlier made one of the type of Hakka Kueh called "Ai Ban", a common dish eaten somewhere around Ching Ming Festival/Tomb Sweeping Day. Ai Ban's skin/wrapper is made with glutinous rice flour, adding some mugwort leaves (艾草)and the filling is normally dried radish.

客家人制作的粄远近驰名,他们还会按不同季节盛产的食材制作不同的粄。譬如清明节时盛产艾草,就会制作好吃的‘艾粄.’ 春天竹林里收集的竹笋制作成笋干,秋冬季节可以做成‘笋粄’等等。


Ingredients:(Makes around 20-25 dumplings)

40-50 pieces of dumpling/bamboo leaves, clean and soaked overnight

Some Cooking Twine

For the skin:
400 g glutinous rice flour
100 g rice flour
300 -320 ml water
2 tbsp/25 g Sugar

For filling:

100 g Dried Shredded Radish
100 g Minced meat (Pork or Chicken)
50 g Dried Mushrooms (Soaked and chopped)
15 g Dried Shrimps (Soaked and chopped)
2 tbsp of Fried Shallots or 1/3 cup of sliced raw shallots
1.5-2 tsp of White pepper powder
1.5-2 tsp of Sugar ( or to taste)
2-3 tbsp of Soy sauce (or to taste)
2 tsp of Oyster sauce


40-50片 洗净泡好的 粽叶



400 克 糯米粉
100 克 粘米粉
300 -320 克/毫升 水
2 大勺/25 克 糖


100 克 萝卜签/萝卜丝干
100 克 绞肉
50 克 香菇 (泡开切丁)
15 克 虾米 (泡开切碎)
2 大勺的 红葱酥 或 1/3 杯 红葱头片
1.5-2 小勺 白胡椒粉
1.5-2 小勺 或适量 白糖
2-3 大勺  或适量 酱油
2 小勺 蚝油

1.  Soaked dried, shredded radishes in water for 10 minutes, wash and drained.

2. Heat a cooking pan and fry sliced shallot until fragrant or add fried shallots into pan.

3. Add minced meat and stir fry until the meat changes color, add chopped shrimp and continue cooking until fragrant.

4. Add chopped mushrooms and cook for 2-3 minutes, add shredded radishes and fry for 5-6 minutes, season with sugar, soy sauce, oyster sauce and white pepper powder. Dish up and let cool.

1. 把萝卜签/萝卜丝干泡水后滴干水份备用。

2.  锅里热上2-3大勺的油,把红葱片爆香,或加入葱酥。

3. 加入绞肉炒散,加入切碎的虾米,炒香。

4. 加入切丁的香菇,煸炒2-3分钟后加入萝卜签煸炒5-6分钟. 加入所有调味料拌匀继续炒香,盛起冷却备用。

5. Measure the glutinous rice flour and rice flour, mix the two in a mixing bowl. 

6. Add water and sugar to the rice flour and roughly bring the flour and water together, take a handful of the dough and flattened it, make two pieces.

7. Bring a pot of water to boil and cook the pieces of dough in water, the dough is cooked when it is floating over boiling water, dish out and drained.

8. Add the two cooked dough back to the mixing bowl and knead the cooked dough with the remaining dough to form a smooth dough.

5. 把糯米粉和粘米粉混匀加水和糖稍微和一下。取两小团粉团压扁,煮滚一锅水,把这两团粉团入锅煮,客家话里这叫“粿婆”或“粿粹”, 当面团漂起来时,就是熟了。

6. 把煮好的粿婆加到刚刚剩下的粉团里揉匀,粉团应该是软硬适中的。加了粿婆做出来的粄皮会很Q很好吃哦!

9. Rub a layer of oil over palm and take a portion of the dough (around 50 g) and shape into a small disc. 

10. Place about 1.5 tbsp of filling in the middle of the disc, pinch to seal the edges to form a small ball. Repeat the steps to make about 20-25 stuffed rice balls.

11. Once the rice balls are ready, it is time to wrap the dumplings. Pick two leaves that are similar in sizes and length, place one on top of each other, one pointing left and one pointing right to even out irregularities of the leaves. Rub a thin layer of oil over the inner side of leaves to prevent Kueh sticking to the leaves.

12. Fold the leaves at about 1/3 length and bring the sides together to create a cone.  Place one of the stuffed rice ball in it, with one hand firmly holding on to the cone, fold the leaves over rice ball with another hand. Once folded, turn your left hand (still firmly holding on to the cone) from palm facing up to palm facing down.

13. With the same left hand, lightly squeeze to mould the dumpling shape with your thumb and forefinger to create ‘wings’ on both the sides, fold the ‘wings’ upwards. Turn the remaining leaves (which are now sorta folded into half) around the shape of Zhang.

14. Pull a string of cooking twine and make two loops around the dumplings where most of the folds and the end of the leaves are at. Tie a "live knot" at the end to secure the shape, a single pull later should be able to unravel the knot. 
Repeat the steps  to wrap all rice balls into dumplings.

15. Steam the cake for 12-15 minutes and serve warm. 

7. 手掌上抹点油,取一小团粉团(大约50克),压扁,盛入1.5大勺的馅料,捏起成团。重复相同步骤制作20-25只菜粿。

8. 选两片差不多一样大小的粽叶,比较平滑的那一面抹上一层薄薄的油,把粽叶较细的那端向内相对,叠起。然后在粽叶1/3处,折起成筒状。

9. 取一只菜粿放到入折起的粽叶里,

   注:棉绳不要缠得太紧,缠得太紧做出来的粄粽会    有"腰",不够方正,就没那么好看。

10. 裹好的粄粽上蒸锅蒸12-15分钟后稍微冷却即可食用。


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